one ought to be concerned of their credit card details and such..but otherwise, all of this privacy talk is just pure baloney.
one ought to be concerned of their credit card details and such..but otherwise, all of this privacy talk is just pure baloney.
it’s already there in Allo..please see my comment above
with Allo, you can send SMS to non-Allo users. Just say “ send sms to John Doe “, write your text, and it will send an SMS
I think people are unnecessarily bringing Hangouts, etc while discussing the merits of Allo. They ought to see Allo for what it is and what it should be and what it will be and stop irrelevant comparisons
there is no need to bring Hangouts etc into this...that’s history; clearly this is messaging of the give you one example, if I need to send my flight itinerary to my friend, all I need to say “my next flight” and you have your next flight itinerary, which you can push with a that’s cool. How…