Because the Volvo system is disabled in place of Uber’s. Volvo has nothing to do with it at all other than their logo is on the car.
Because the Volvo system is disabled in place of Uber’s. Volvo has nothing to do with it at all other than their logo is on the car.
yeah man, you’re a bit behind. oh and he was a she too. mind blown #amirite
Wow bro, way to be like 2 years out of the loop...
I usually give five seconds, but will cut that down to three or less if I see the driver of the car ahead of me talking on their phone, playing Angry Birds or applying make-up.
You get a solid, one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand count. If you haven’t started moving, or your brake lights haven’t at least flickered off by then, you get the horn.
Mmm. Intergenerational conflict. Bring on the Boomers to shake their walkers and the other Millenials to make fun of them with Snapchat filters. As a dedicated Xer, I shall dutifully express my aloofness by rolling my eyes at all of you.