I’m excited for part two: how to tell you’re a fedora-wearing white knight.
Yup. There are a ton of small cities in the US with healthy economies, convenient size, and stupid cheap living conditions. I’d only live in a big metro area if I was making ridiculous money. Screw living by the oceans, I’ll take a good quality of life and ability to save money please.
Cue the ironic comment designed to demonize that actually makes total sense.
Nope, because it’s actually a great idea. Fair, simple, hard to game (unlike our current system). Makes too much sense.
Stop it, you’re making sense.
My theory is it’s the same three people under fake names. Everyone weirdly agrees on these blogs.....alex jones.
lol so true. I remember when Jalopnik was about cars. Good times.
Why is the metaphorical poor person drawn as a child? That’s some condescending, patriarchal bull right there.
If your rent is $2000 a month in San Francisco and $600 dollars a month in Kansas, yep.
Yup. You couldn’t force me to live in a big city, way too expensive. I like having money, space, freedoms, etc. I’ll take living somewhere farther from the oceans if it means I save a ridiculous amount of money, don’t have to worry about crime, and have little to nothing to do with the government.
Why is the metaphorical poor person in the illustration drawn as a child? You think people who are less well off are childlike and helpless?
Or you could just privatize the thing.
lol “removes the contents of the uterus”? What’s in there, Beth? What’s their name? I like how you so casually remove the possibility of personhood at any point in the pregnancy.
I’d assume it’s because women, at least the ones that are cast by these so-called progressives for action movies, tend to be smaller and more flexible than men (especially fighting men in movies). Therefore, they need to (and physically can) use momentum and large muscle groups to take down bigger opponents. Chris…
This isn’t blackface......call me once they make a “Jazz Singer” costume. That’d probably be over the line. :) Don’t pretend that you wouldn’t be just as mad if it was a white costume without the bulk. SJW would cry “Whitewashing body shaming” instantly.
Wow, that’s racist. lol his profile has no picture so you have no clue about his ethnicity. I feel triggered......
So happy to see all the people on here not buying this crap. There are real things to worry about in the world. A costume that looks too much like an animated character is not one of them. Shades of Harambe in this nonsense.