
For when you don’t get to see things labeled racist enough during your day-to-day at gawker.

or a gun.

Oh it is so worse than that. Kirkman clarified that she was not alleging Louis CK masturbated in front of her almost immediately after Jezebel’s first go round. She’s said that clearly and consistently. She’s called out Jezebel by name for misreporting and misrepresenting her. Yet as evidenced above, Jezebel continues

You’d think a former Gawker property would learn after momma was killed by the Hulkster.

Yep. The last time this issue was discussed the writer did the same thing, and the commenters all pointed out that he addressed the allegations directly.

“skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.”

I’m so confused by this whole thing. I remember the original blind item and the assumption that it was Louis CK.

This is getting boring and a little gross. It’s reminding me of the call for unedited photos of Lena Dunham – skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.

Continuing to double down on this story when there is absolutely no evidence to support the allegations is irresponsible journalism. Until you guys get some sort of reliable evidence, you should really just keep your mouths shut.

Wow, doubling down on this crap even after Kirkman’s statements. Gawker never really died did it?

They certainly got me with those two cars which I had no idea even existed. I even at glance mistaken the Apollo GT with a classic Ferrari. The magazine pretty much described me as car enthusiast so count me in.

What if you started your own?

Ye’, it’s terrible having a magazine aiming at one single gender.

While I don’t disagree with the sentiment based on the adweek article, and don’t see what market research led them to decide it NEEDED to be labelled a car guy publication, the critique here is gratuitous in the absence of data indicating the market potential of a more female oriented automobile publication.

Finally, a car magazine for men.

If you think there’s a market, start a car magazine that caters to women. It isn’t like print magazines aren’t a dying industry or anything.

I’m so glad that, much like the recent Root cross-posting, we get to enjoy an extra-large heap of Jezebel in our Jalopnik posts.