Some Random Guy

Man please. She had 6 weeks to prove her claims and couldn’t back anything up. 

So to sum up this article:

Boosie literally pays women to show their private parts during his live feeds......those are someone children and other people’s children see that. But that’s okay for the kids to see. Lil Nas X however......

I think you’re being a bit dramatic here. Less than 3% of black marriages are interracial. Plus maybe, just maybe, he loved her just for her and not her skin. Why isn’t that a possibility? 

Howard and Spelman are the two where you just roll your eyes at the people. Like the old joke goes: How can you tell if someone went to Howard/Spelman? Answer: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you!

Hmmmm, somebody probably should have told the general of the confederacy that it wasn’t about race and slavery because they wrote letters and wrote journals saying that’s why they were going to war. 

The easiest answer would be Tony! Toni! Tonè! (they debuted in 1988 vs Jodeci in 1991, so close enough) or Mint Condition (both debuted in 1991). The album “From the Mint Factory” is untouchable and I’ll cry fight anyone who disagrees.

Not just no but hell no!

So where’s the article questioning Serena’s Blackness because she married a white man? Where are the article’s on the root pointing out how Black men don’t feel appreciated and feel undervalued because she’s attracted to white men? I mean this happens when a Black man is features on this site who does something good

I think this goes to a larger problem in the Black community where you have parents not financially stable having kids, then lay that problem at the feet of the kids blaming them for the situation. Kids cost money and I’m constantly surprised that Black people seem shocked by this fact. I guess I don’t have a sense

His hatred for Lebron James is almost at stalker levels. It’s weird how he displays his anger toward him.

Everything is economics. Sadly, Black people are the only ones who don’t understand this. And you have it wrong, there will never be social justice without economic justice. Economics comes first.

Black people please, we need to be honest about Obama. He did nothing to help our communities, and please don’t give me this “he’s not President of Black people” nonsense, or “he can’t do everything himself” crap. He had a SUPER MAJORITY his first term as president and did nothing. No economic plan for Black

This is basically the majority of the Black community on Instagram.