aqwe would still end up killing them. there might be a show ttial. plus, Sherman carried out trials before burning people’s houses down and executing those who tried to stop him? gotta put it in context of a civil war
aqwe would still end up killing them. there might be a show ttial. plus, Sherman carried out trials before burning people’s houses down and executing those who tried to stop him? gotta put it in context of a civil war
you miss the point. the US would never let Cuba have fair and free elections and elect a leftist government, just like they didn’t let Chile do it and Chile passed much less of a threat. the USA would have reinstalled a friendly pinochet type dictator as soon as they could. the only way to keep the revolution was…
Both Costa Rica and Mexico outperformed the US last world cup...
There is something to suggest it’s true... he was polling like 8 pts better than Hillary vs trump.trump isn’t going to get Mexico to pay for a wall, and he’s not going to ban muslims. it’s not about a platform that could get done. it’s about about having about level of authenticity. Clinton didn’t have it, Bernie did.…
If you do the math, about 1 in 5 people adults living in the USA actually voted for Trump. if he takes it as a mandate and enacts any kind of sudden shock to the system, it could have a bad outcome.
I think greater than 50% of the vote or, at minimum, a plurality of the vote is required for a mandate.
I think there is some semantics going on, like he supports black lives matter as a movement but not black lives matter (c) the oeganization.
So your saying that if she sells a food primarily associated with dominant culture (chocolate chip cookies) she would be nice less trouble , but since she was selling a latino adjacent food she is in trouble? seems racist to me.
How sentencing works... a judge gets to selectively apply punishment based on if a person looks like a “thug” or a “promising young man who made a mistake”
So why do we have ridiculous maximum sentences for petty misdemeanors? all it leads to is selective enforcement of laws, which is the finite on our privilege
What? If i support laws preventing industries from freely dumping chemical waste into a public river, then I can’t complain about a woman going to jail for hosting a bake sale ? not sure where that logic came from...
It’s the clause before “let” that indicates consent or not.
It has gone from Dave Chapelle to key and peele...
Except for the fact that the world didn’t end, so, his prediction is wrong...
What if she had gone as rachel dolezal. would that be blackface?
Half the stuff you listed tastes great raw by the spoonful.
Definitely racist, but you forget that Chicago has an entirely separate team (the white sox) for the minorities to support. At least in Cleveland the 50% of the city that’s black and poor has to support the same team as the 50% that is white and poor.
Chicago fans are racist law, finance, and other white collar bros whose biggest struggle in life is the Cubs always choking. Cleveland fans are unemployed plumbers and mill workers who have been shit on for the last 20 or so years and are just trying to survive, and to whom sports is a way to forget how much of a…
Wouldn’t the bookies make money if 96% of the bets were for him, and he lost?
He should be fired if he told trump to shut the fuck up. He should also be fired for sexually harassing a fellow employee. There is a lot of space in the spectrum between those two reactionsns which would have allowed for him to keep his job. It’s not as if those were his only two options.