Søren Fogh

But ALIE literally said they had to improvise so hanging Abby was never a part of the plan so it couldn't have been sequential method of importance. The narrative has never indicated her bond with her mother is stronger than Bellamy - heck she sacrifices her own mother at TonDC for Bellamy. So yeah we definitely don't

Abby was a last resort but that only strengthens the narrative that they wanted to go with her biggest weakness first. That is what has worked in the past and ALIE is a computer program. If Abby thought SHE was Clarke's biggest weakness, which she straight out said she wasn't, she would have hung herself before the

I never pay attention to what the actors say because they don't know the story - the writers do. Even if they knew the story they can't spoil it. They have only just started writing season 4. I think Clarke will get closure in the finale and then I think we'll get a build up from Clarke next season. 3x15 made it

They compared his feelings for Clarke to a canon pairing and they way he looked at her when he was passing out. Lets just see if they aren't doing a Trinity with him in the finale.

Honestly, I think it was more to get Clarke to think about whether she would cave or not. They showed us her face for many seconds, had a tear drop from her eye and then faded to Bellamy. It's the kind of subtext we've gotten many times. They are just becoming more noticeable for the casual viewer because it's less

While that is true, why go through all the other ones that she don't care about as much? Why not just start with the one she cares most about. Also great fade out.. they do that a lot with those two.

I just disagree with the fact that he took her threats seriously based on what happened throughout the episode and the scene leading up to it.

But the smirk and the way he said it up for interpretation.

It absolutely didn't play as a rape scene but people have triggers and people complain about everything on this show so it's not surprising people are complaining.

You mean he didn't give verbal consent.

That is a stupid move as well.

To be fair, Clarke killed his girlfriend. Shouldn't he get to punch her too then?

While the Bellamy/Pike story line has been rushed, imo, it is blatantly obvious that Bellamy follows Pike because he thinks that's the only way to keep his people safe. He doesn't want anyone else to die from his mistakes of trusting the grounders (his words). Should he have thought Pike would execute Kane, probably

The showrunners have said that they planned the betrayal from the get go because The Winter Soldier plot.