
I honestly don’t see how this is weird. If you want weird, look at Kojima’s obsession with putting as many celebrity faces in this games as possible. That is weird. Ian McShane narrating the DD2 trailer is just good marketing.

Sometimes that’s all you need.

So uhhh... which is it? Did ChatGPT glitch out or something? The sub-head and then the opening line. Literally read back-to-back. Sloppy.

David Zaslav is a cancer that will destroy anything remotely creative if it doesn't give his precious shareholders a chubby in terms of profit

How interesting. They laid off 800 people last March so they could restructure and focus on the right projects I’m sure this time the restructuring will work and that it has nothing to do with giving more money to execs or stock

I don’t think dynamic pricing is going to work out for Wendy’s. It works for Uber/Lyft because they have close to a captive market, but Wendy’s isn’t one half of the only game in town and customers are absolutely willing to drive a little further for a couple of dollars off.

It also doesn’t really make a lot of sense

I try not to make predictions, but a fast food restaurant charging more at times when people are hungry and/or have time to eat sounds like a big mistake. 

There’s an easy solution for customers here - go to another restaurant that serves burgers / chicken sandwiches. There are lots and lots of them. 

This might be a self fixing problem.  If everybody who says “I will never eat there again if they do this” follows through, then there will never be a surge.

They are really selling this all wrong. They should have announced lower prices during off peak house. 

Annnnnnd fuck that. No.

Should have asked Robert Rodriguez

Turning this into a live action movie instead of an animated show (or movie) makes absolutely ZERO sense to me, but I’ve long grown tired of the IP anyway. 

I don’t know about most folks, but very few of the games I play address ideas even related to gender identity or sexuality, because they just don’t matter for what the point of the game is.

we found that games with LGBTQ characters or storylines account for less than 2% of all games”

He doesn’t seem like a bad person.

This person is the poster child of all the inherently uninteresting, banal ‘influencers’ that somehow became mystifyingly famous in the past 10+ years. I’ve heard her talk, watched a stream- and to this day her appeal still escapes me.

Theory channel and Youtube Grandpa MatPat announces that he is stepping down from hosting his numerous theory channels(which started with GAMEtheory) and crickets from this site

“Twitch has been my home for a decade,” Pokémon said. “But it’s time to say thank you for all the memories and love during my League, Fortnite, & Among Us days.”

This review barely has any focus on the differences between game versions, which is kind of a waste since we can just read the general reviews from four years ago.