Dean Sailey

D’Arcy Carden is so funny and charismatic that I could not take my eyes off her in this, even though her character was kind of a jerk 

Attacked by an insane woman? Was she looking into a mirror at the time?

Disney Star Wars and Disney Marvel certainly treat their anti-vaxers differently.

“Honestly, I find myself wondering why the hell we’re still fighting over straight cis men (arguably the most unimpressive of our species) in the year 2023"

Thanks for another Henry Ford Musuem article. I found it interesting how that museum not only has the chair Lincoln was assassinated in but also the JFK assassination car. It’s not just a car museum that most people think about. Also, Greenfield village is a wonderful place to go. I like to see the antique auto show

You think journalists can just go grab whatever picture they want off the internet? Lol.

you understand that to do that would require them to acquire new licensing for a one off image which would likely need to go through a buying department and take multiple days...instead of just using the image library they already have a license for and getting the article out in a timely manner. Journalism requires

Kick rocks with this stupid “gaslighting” BS. They say it in the clip itself. It can be and is about both climate change and personal health. That’s the case any time you’re carbon/fossil fuel. Even moreso when you’re burning that carbon in your home. 

I’d like to be the first to point out that the article is about Breath of the Wild, but the lead photo is of Skyward Sword. Edit: I see others in the gray already mentioned it, hat tip to them. 

I mean no offense to Patty here, but if WW84 was any indication of the direction you wanted to take things, well... I have to say that, for once, I’m siding with the WB brass on this one.

Dude drives 160 miles a day. 

I hate it when people are mean to trillion-dollar IPs.

I can watch a monument to grift and human rights abuses AND get diarrhea? Sign me up.

It’s complete gibberish. But it smells TERFy

Perry, who practically went on tour with Hillary Clinton in 2016"

dude, welcome to comics. it’s “nanoboytes” according to my 2 seconds due diligence, which I find is a useful thing to do before you try and correct somebody

He was charged and tried for involuntary manslaughter, and acquitted.

It’s really weird the trailer doesn’t give any credit to the book it’s based on. Or the article, really.  Cabin at the End of the World, it’s very upsetting. 

The hybrid AWD Maverick, that is hopefully a plug-in.