Pete Campbell did the 1970 scumbag business man look way better.
Pete Campbell did the 1970 scumbag business man look way better.
A Commander Shran series where Jeffrey Combs plays all the roles, please.
That’s EXACTLY what s/he’s trying to say. You got it in one.
Because some of you people need to be told that your life and the lives of others would be better if you cut this shit out.
Refraining from saying dumb stuff like this is a quick, easy way to not mess with your children’s heads as they try to figure out who they are. It will save you money on therapy bills if turns out you guessed wrong about how feminine, masculine or straight they will turn out to be! #lifehacked
This is also why Warren shouldn’t run. It’s more Boomer vs Boomer shit tied to mid-20th century ideas of cultural identity and 19th-century scientific racism.
Yes. I unabashedly love “bologna and cheese roll ups” which is just american cheese and bologna rolled into a tube and everyone HATES ME FOR IT.
Yup! Kill it dead. Leave us with one platform, every Nintendo team working on the same machine, everyone able to play every game the company releases anywhere at any time. It’d be amazing.
One of the greatest accomplishments of Mad Men was slowly morphing Pete from an obnoxious, deeply awful character into one who became delightful funny by season 7. Having Jared Harris beat him up that one time was satisfying though.
Favorite line of the night (yelled at Lawrence) “You ain’t a window, n*gga!”
It wasn’t quite up to the standards of the classic series, but I still liked it a lot. Their biggest problem was firing off riffs too quickly (and occasionally prematurely). Hopefully, they’ll be more comfortable and settled in season 12.
You know what? I’m gonna go there. I prefer Begins to The Dark Knight.
You want Ruffalo in this too?
Who is Chris Hardwick’s fanbase? I admit that I know nothing of him or the shows/podcasts he does. He seems rather unremarkable, as described in articles but he seems to have a rabid and loyal fanbase. Weird.
Like you’ve never told a 14-year-old family member you want to fuck her and nobody else but her. Hypocrite.
check out Felix Beiderman’s appearence on the 20th episode of the poadcast No Cartridge
Did Edward Norton rewrite this article to leave out his being recast as the Hulk?
You mean the investigation performed by the legal firm that represents his wife’s family? Oh yeah, that’s real impartial.