Dean Sailey

I mean, she’s probably referencing that time he drone-striked a wedding in Yemen, among other things:

I believe that show mentioned that he fought in the Battle Of Yavin (Return Of The Jedi),

Those turbolasers hitting nothing in space and exploding in puffs of smoke/dirt looked wrong.

Does “longest running” still mean the same thing with modern shortened seasons? Lower Decks could go for 17 seasons and still have fewer episodes than TNG.

And for you to gaslight us into thinking Germain reviewed last season.

I finally got around to seeing the new Mission Impossible and the (admittedly) pretty small theater I was in was pretty full for 8:50 on a Sunday night.

Was just going to say, this is a major plot point in A New Hope. It’s how Vader tracks the the Falcon to Yavin IV.

Better update that title...

Not to be a true crime weirdo, but this was fishy af from the jump.

Where are you seeing that Tucci abandoned his dying wife? That’s not even implied in the article. There was a three year gap between his wife dying and getting together with Felicity:

That implies any of this was planned out that far.

More playing the victim from the woman who told a teenager who was clearly being groomed and abused by an adult to kill themselves.

Plan B is available OTC right now:

The reason Andor looks and feels so much different than the other D+ shows is because they didn’t use the Volume.

Netflix has announced that season 3 of The Witcher will be broken up into two parts with Volume 1 being released globally on June 2, with Volume 2 to follow on July 27.

Who the fuck is paying over $800/month for a car? My wife and I just bought a fully-loaded CRV hybrid for about $40,000 and our payment is like $600.

What? That’s the answer.

Not going to read her article but I assume she mentions her dad at least 5 times like she always does.

The new CRV’s have e-CVT’s but they don’t really feel like traditional CVT’s.

Took me a while to convince my wife not to give the government an interest-free loan every year.