Dean Sailey

Why are you as shameless Shatner stan tho? I’m a ride or die Trekkie but even I know he’s a colossal asshole.

LOVED that show growing up.

Tame Impala at Pitchfork was very excellent. So was Janelle Monae’s Dirty Computer tour. 

Thank you, Scott. We miss you every day.

THE Patrick!

It’s the nature of memes, no worries!

Hey, my friend Patrick made this meme!

So someone please confirm I’m not crazy/my TV isn’s super messed up: in a lot of the 1:1 aspect ratio scenes (the “future” or “present” timeline withe Heidi working as a waitress), is there noticeable, intentional blurring around the edges? Certain scenes I could barely make out Heidi’s nametag.

So, $100 to play MGS again. There’s no other way to play it on modern consoles, right?

Don’t hold your breath on POTUS. Though now that Sessions is donezo maybe?

The Crow: City of Angels. Terrible movie, great (according to 8th grade me) soundtrack!

Italians aren’t people, it’s fine.

Best Chris.

The whole Tide Pods thing was likely bullshit too.

Sure thing, man.

Is this a bit?

Michigan is poised to legalize in November. You can move here, it’s sorta like Canada!

The implication here being that only women should care about raising children? That’s why it should be on Jezebel, not Lifehacker? That’s the point you’re trying to make?

That’s definitely part of it. The other, I think main part for me, is that I’m 6'3" with long arms, so the height from the rack is in a weird spot that’s mid-lift and hard to brace for. I’ll stick to the jack.

My gym has a deadlift jack, which is a godsend. I’ve personally found that the couple of times I’ve hurt my back deadlifting was taking the bar off the rack, not actually doing the lift. The jack solves that problem.