Dean Sailey

I avoided this one after loving the first, might actually pick it up now. So I guess this worked!


Firefly sucks.

Can you seriously not see the difference here?

Wait, don’t Handmaid’s review go up on Wednesday as the show posts to Hulu at midnight on Tuesday night? What’s going on here?

The Wire.

Your camping trips sound pretty boring.

We’ve got over a year and a half until the final season of Game of Thrones airs on HBO (sometime in late 2019).

Go fuck yourself.

My first thought during that scene was “No one knows the words to that song though.”

That was an all-timer.

That’s a decent explanation, I’ll take it!

I posted this over on io9 but wondering if anyone here had an explanation: So Janine mentions her new posting, shouldn’t she have a new Of-name? Why does everyone, including Aunt Lydia, refer to her as Janine? Isn’t that forbidden?

Babylon 5 is on Amazon Prime right now, FYI.

It is now tho!

Ever wonder why you never get invited to parties?


His intense face looks like he’s trying to shit.