
@Bob Franca: uh... I'm from Nevada, but if you check the exchange rate, I believe the Canadian dollar is trading for more than ours.

@FThorn: Sorry, I thought we were talking about sports cars.

@Zain76: Yes it is. Plus, is it really even a Tesla? Isn't it really a Lotus with an electric powertrain?

If she would just blow him, he'd forget about the lawsuit, roll over and fall asleep.

Kick in the ass-tec just kicked in yo!

@dropdragdrive: I don't live far from Area 51. We and our neighbors have never seen the SR-71s replacement, but good god, can we HEAR it! Very low sonic booms. Sounds like distant thunder.

@sean98125: you get instant street cred with that!

@chrispisano: i'm cleared and ready for travel. this must be brought to a better place.

@coupeZ600: I used to have an 82 datsun 4x4. Blue, Long Bed. I loved that truck. Never should have sold it. If in anyone in Washington State knows where it is, I'll buy it back right now.

@Cheeseslap: Now if we could just get Victory to build it.

@flpwch: But, can't someone give a minivan an engine/trans combination that allows the parents to have fun from time to time?

For god's sake. Somebody take the ugly stick away from Carlos!

Allow me to rate this on the same scale I rated the new Honda minivan... YYYYYYYAAAAAAWWWWNNNN

@benmlee: Too bad the new ones rust through in a year or so.
