
Can’t have a Jalopnik comment section without the usual “but why not a Mustang?”, can we?

So they get offended by a VW impound lot impersonating pre-game parking, but never had problem with the Lions impersonating a football team?

Because my lottery numbers have yet to match on the tickets I never buy, I’ll never be able to buy a Rapide. But it is/was one of my favorite high end sedans.

Tremendously reliable, competent, good handling car that no one bought.

One way for Toyota to justify this is to offer the Mark X. This is a vehicle sold in Japan that is a 4 door sedan with an available V6 and RWD. Available with a 6 speed manual (or at least it used to be). Suited up, maybe it can join the Lexus line-up. If not, at least as a fun Toyota.

I like the newer interiors but the previous gen exterior

I like it too but it’d be impossible to sell or resell to most people who aren’t weirdos like us.

200 years from now, it might look something like this:

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

I care. So you’re wrong.

Yeah, safety regs. Who needs those pesky things? I love the flavor of A-Pillar in the morning. It tastes like, injury.

Have you ever been using your iPhone and found yourself wishing it was heavier and more prone to viruses?

Why reduce the value of Android by attaching it to a less capable device?

I tried posting a few different messages, but this article is actually more stupid than the product idea. So that’s all I’ve got.

I guess this would be interesting a few years ago, just not anymore.

Your opening statement that is, not the gadget.

My name is Maarten,

I’ll suspend my disbelief pretty far if it’s an enjoyable movie. The 26-mile-long runway in the sixth film is a prime example of me going, ‘Meh, it’s fun watchin.’

Toyota’s backup test in case the young hip customers never come.