
I disagree. I think its a perfect reason FOR Facebook.

Now...if you could just plug in your iPod/iPhone directly into the speaker....THEN you'd have something!

I need a job like that!

@blash: I can see that. If an article sucks, the commenter should point out why in a lucid, logical discourse - or just keep quiet.

Really? ""Slow news day?" or equivalent" is a bannable offense?

There is no auto-fill exploit. The Safari users making this claim were holding the mouse wrong.

Well, there goes the whole "God is love" thing....

And what if a user has Parkinsons or some such God-awful disease?

Another stellar decision by the folks at HP. LOL.....

@HowIsYourFlat: ASUS is coming out with a 12" Win7 Home Edition tablet this fall - maybe sooner.

Please join us in welcoming Joseph Goebbels as Apple's newest Minister of Propaganda!

@squishyalt: At the very least, you people must know that our accepted "laws" of physics break down in black holes.

@dervish: Why not run virtualization software automatically from the thumb drive?

Now, if they could only get to the bottom of the never-ending Gawker comment saga...

Seems like Dawn would be all over this shit....

Somebody at BP should have the ever-loving shit beat out of them.

Now, if the word "simultaneously" had been in that title, that would've been something to crow about.

Clothing grown from bacteria?

@Siderz: For which some engineering young coder will release a nice little free app to strip those nasty little ads - just like we do now in Firefox.