
I heard that if you pee on it twice that fixes it.

This is just like the mechanic whose car is always breaking down.

I volunteer to handle the comments section.

All in.....

Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down.

Anyone with a functioning cell phone can already be tracked to within 10 miles of their actual location.

I'd think that wearing an "I have AIDS" warning bracelet or something may be more effective.

Add murder to rape....

#LFMF: When traveling to a locale that you know will be hot (they may not have or use air conditioning) and it is above 95 outside, DO NOT turn the heater on in your car so that the destination will feel cooler by comparison upon arrival.

I want the ability to run any damned app I want.

Maybe you should hire somebody to take care of that whole comment-section-disaster thing first.....

Anyone else find it odd that a "Nearly Free Office" has a theme that is based on a government system that is so diametrically opposed to freedom?

Here's a radical idea....

@Tycho Vhargon: I tried to post a pic, but the comment system was acting more like the vomit system...so I bailed.
