
*N.B.- We did not live together before we were married, which is why I had never used his detergent before. (Gasp! I know, shocker. Some people still do that.)

I don't think you're weird, I think your parents must be awesome. My husband and I would each kill the other if he/I suggested taking my mom, his mom, or his dad and stepmom anywhere on vacation for any reason. He's gone out of town with my daughter and his dad and stepmom once and swore he'd never get on a plane or

One of my friends had a destination wedding. Her parents came along, and somehow in the worst of luck with the hotel block, their room shared a wall with her room. She didn't have sex on her wedding night, but she heard her parents did.

worst pain ever

I lived in Galway in the early part of 2000's and I still got side eye buying condoms at Boots. I swear. Didn't help that my husband and I were all of 25 when we moved there and had a kid, so I looked like all the other young unwed (gasp!) mothers they so loved to judge.

RE: That first story, my parents were there on our honeymoon, too. It was actually great, but we'd also lived together for a while so it wasn't like we were desperate for privacy/sex by that point. We went out 3 days before the wedding and left a week after, and we shared a 3 bedroom condo like, 40 feet from the

You can laugh—it wasn't serious!

I think she clearly states multiple times that they were youngsters who were young.

I can't say either of these ailments aloud without snickering. I'm sure they sucked for the people who had them...but athlete's face? Hehe.

I had strep nose, which is slightly less weird.

I think that's everyone's routine on vacation.

We were REALLY running late for our 6am flight to a tropical island. We didn't have time to brush our teeth before we ran out the door and drove like maniacs to get to the airport.

A friend of mine once got athlete's face!

It was two decades ago in a very quiet part of rural Ireland; I wouldn't place bets on the little old lady's condom familiarity prior to getting a surprise present of a lot of used ones in a bag. A decade earlier, condoms were almost impossible to buy in Ireland. It's a very different culture. And I would hurl NOW if

So, I missed the first post but I definitely wanted to share this all here. Get ready, it's definitely TMI. The day before my wedding I developed a raging infected cyst on my vulva. Yep, vulva. The day after my wedding, the day of the start of the honeymoon, if you will, I had it drained. no general or local

None of mine where that bad, so I didn't submit. I did get my period in a secluded beach in Hawaii. We had to beg to use the bathroom at a Buddhist temple so I could put in a tampon. The monks were all very nice to let me use their facilities - once we found one that spoke English.

Condoms are not flushable. Septic system or not. The little old lady runs a B&B. It isn't like she hasn't had to take out the trash with a condom in it before. What strikes me bizarre about this story is that the writer doesn't seem to realize that this "horror story" was a making of their own immaturity.

"Yeah. We left the bag behind. " - This is how I choke on my lunch. This is how I die..

OMG Tide. I am also very allergic. I use the free and clear stuff usually. My mom recently bought those Gain balls of fun that have the detergent and softener together that you just pop in the drum of the washing machine. I'm not allergic to those but I hate the smell. Curse you overly sensitive skin!