
This is real whiskey here. The only people who put iced tea in whiskey bottles is The Clash.

Mind you, I don't ind self-important pretentiousness when it is blended with real genius. Love Lars Von Trier (Mostly. Even I will admit shit like Dogville gets a bit much), and the Coens tread that ground sometime, but I always feel like the ART is there and both are supreme craft.

I might be alone in this, but I there is no Nolan movie I actually LIKE.

No. He's OUR Baghdad Bob.

" American soldiers were committing suicide "by the hundreds" outside the city."
"The Americans are going to surrender or be burned in their tanks. They will surrender, it is they who will surrender"."
"The American press is all about lies! All they tell is lies, lies and more lies!"
"There are no American tanks in

Season 24?

"This Targaryen was made in NEW YORK CITY!"

What about that thing where the prostitutes were so grateful that they didn't make Baldrick pay?


I read a thing the other day that mentioned the Trump clan mistook confidence for competence…I have a feeling I am going to get a lot of use from that turn of phrase.

"Jeez. I'm not sure if I should be murdering and adulterating and stealing stuff…if only SOMEBODY had made a lsit of shit not to do. Oh well." (Covets neighbors ass)

TLDR: "Good dog!"

Well yeah, but children ARE awful, so I never held that against either of them.

I thought the work he did when he was seeing the vision in the fire was amazing. That smile just said SO much.

I just hope the musical numbers are well staged.

There was an article where they went through his books and porn that I thought was particularly damning…stuff that looked fairly innocuous to the uneducated eye, but to these dealer/collectors going through it were huge red flags…fifties "outdoor life" nature magazines with naked boys playing in the woods and stuff.

In the early 2000's I was in Vegas at a restaurant after closing (we were having drinks and cake, it being a birthday, and they had a policy of letting people stay until they wanted to leave) and Michael Jackson came in with a party of guys who looked like Soprano's extras. So, we were sitting about 25 feet from him

I used the word "proper" as a qualifier. Yeah, Norton played the role, but you know, nobody cares.

The Puppy?

It sucks that nerds program these things…anybody else would have added another instruction: don't look like a goon.