
Smiths reunion or GTFO.

Is…IS THAT stripes with POLKA DOTS?

Don't these millionaires have anything to fucking do?

Well, yeah…but not in an American Gods sort of way…

You do you, i'll do me.

We had a heavy wooden table and chairs on our patio when I was a kid that came from the liquidation of a restaurant chain called Ponderosa steakhouse.

Ugh. Nobody tell him about dick pics.

I'm older (single digits when it came out), and was the quintessential Star Wars kid. Went to see it in the theater with my mom. Had heard it was something you HAD to see, but had no idea what it was really about or what happened in it.

I can't even with a person who thinks AC/DC is garbage music.

That's what SHE said.

Wait. So does this mean we are in danger of being attacked by a giant army of Canadians?

Like in a single day? I mean, I could never do that…well, maybe when I was 18 or something. What's your refractory period?

Riiight? Like, I can't tell you how many times I'd be standing on the side of the stage watching AC/DC or Cheap Trick or Guns N Roses or whoev we were out with thinking:"Jeez. This is okay, but I wish I was emotionally damaged and hugging a bunch of sweaty dudes after playing a hostel. What. A. Waste."

It's nice to see Professor X with a little hair tho.

It's really more of a manifesto…

Looks like a DVD cover.

Don't look at me, I'm in California. Nobody here voted for Trump (citation needed).

Excalibur is the obvious answer, but even it had some serious flaws (though I like it).

Why can't Guy Richie just do Guy Richie films? I would go see an infinite amount of guy Richie films about clever heists by stylish British gangsters going wrong…but the "Guy Richie take" on anything else…not so much.

Benicio Del Toro: Dick Jedi.