
Just to be clear, are you suggesting that nothing would have been better than Obamacare and with no path forward AT ALL? Because, to be clear, that WAS the option that was in place.

I think it is a baby steps sort of thing. The ACA represents is a statement of intent and steps in the right direction. America is so fucked up that just issuing legislation that says:"We give a shit" is revolutionary.


I never heard that, especially after the Republicans stripped it f the public option.

Well, to be fair, it was 1000% better before they had to strip it of the "public option" to pass it. That was the ONLY thing that would have supplied the sort of market forces to bring costs down that our right-wing friends fap over.

It would look good with some of these Kremlin-style onion domes…

What, so it's just people's shitty kids, dogs and food?

I do really get confused at how quickly and totally the Republicans turn on themselves.

No, no! It's flawed, so the only solution is to watch it burn then GLOAT.

I for one WELCOME our new orange overlord.

Ha ha, fool! That was Loki!

Tupac has it.


Who is Ryan Murphy, and why would you possibly know?

No stab wounds=consent.

It's probably also worth mentioning that Negan marries all the gals he has the sex with, so there's definitely some weird sex morals goin' on there.

I wonder who is going to play Tommy Lee's cock?

Please do Diablo 2, please do Diablo 2, please do Diablo 2, please do Diablo 2, please do Diablo 2…

The background in the original is cooler because it's back from when people used to be good at stuff.

Well, he WAS really into the White Stripes, but then Warner's started using them…