

Why in god's name would a chick want to shoot arms at people?

This is true.


I'm up for cancelling them EVERY year…because I live a few blocks from where they are held, so it fucks up my traffic and parking, and then I have to fucking hear helicopters overhead ALL GODDAM DAY.

…and shot the guy before he opened fire.

Me and Fox aren't DATING. We're just friends.

I know its not great and all but forgotten, but damn, Ralph Bakshi's American Pop gets me every time…really a great immigrant story. Come here to escape persecution, and 80 years later your antecedant is a drug dealer singing Bob Seger…

I like most of it. Even the stuff that doesn't land for me is never less than heroically interesting.(I'm looking at you, Dogville)

That might as well be tattooed on Lars Von Trier's forehead.

Dancer in the Dark destroyed me.

So…how soon do we start referring to Fox as "The U.S. government's propaganda news channel"?

I was at a grocery store a few days ago and this guy was bitching at the cashier about not being able to get a wire transfer, and the cashier told him it wasn't their fault, Western Union was down.

…and also so much content that they could barely fit it into 3 movies.

This is the ONLY pooh I want to see on a dance floor!

I think they should just double down on the grimdark and get Lars Von Trier.

She could go back in time and grab Rose as her companion. Then they could DO it and the internet would explode.

Yes, but think of all the others! Dracula. The Monster. Frankenstein. Dorian. MISTER FUCKING LYLE. Sembene.

I would be good with almost anyone from Penny Dreadful, with Eva Green my #1 choice, but really anyone.

"…but what really rankled was the lack of ethnic diversity displayed by the sisters. Would it have hurt the act to have one of them be a Chinaman or negro? "