
The DNC is hamstrung by the mechanisms it takes to get elected. Corporate money dictates everything. And anyone who pushes back against it gets out spent, out influenced, and outright cheated out of elections. Environmental protections will be stronger under a Democratic administration, but they aren’t going to be

Racist asshole gets caught being a nazi. Gets exactly what she deserves.

He’s just stumping for a lobby gig in insurance.

That’s like saying you can’t say a white supremacist is wrong because their stance is an “opinion”. Of course these women can be accused of being traitors. They are complicit in a system designed to objectify and enslave them. They are very much traitors. Rather they believe in the cause or not.

See this is what happens when you stay your dead ass at home on election day. Every one of these men is a trump supporter. And you gave them power. You didn’t want to vote for a white woman so you got an orange man and his nazi squad. You better get off your dead asses in 2020 and fucking vote. I am not going to die

All I see are rotting half consumed rich people too arrogant and entranced to realize they are already dead. These people don’t live. They linger.

Then they need to stop fucking voting for him. When fear of vaginas and brown skin overcome common sense and morality everyone loses.

You cannot be female, conservative, and not be a traitor to your gender.

Teeth. Without them you are but words. Put Barr and the other conspirators in a cage and lean on them till they break or hang their selves. Contempt charges are grounds enough for incarceration. If it’s a civil war you are trying to avoid it is far too late for that. The republicans have been waging one against the US

This is the price of apathy. Don’t pay it twice. Get off your lazy puritanical asses and fucking vote. It doesn’t matter who the dems nominate. Hold your nose if you have to. But get rid of this orange fascist fuckface. Anything less is a vote for trump. Shake your fog off and do something right for once in your

I think he would look better in something in black, maybe six or seven feet long by three feet wide, white velvet liner, bit of top soil and a whole lot of mexican urine for that rustic “Everyone hates me for good reason” feel.

Moderates and democrats stayed home. Trump voters poured out in droves, had help from russia, some of the biggest corporations in the us, and some of the US’s most wealthy private citizens. No one wanted to vote for a white woman, so they got an orange man. When liberals pout republicans win and the world suffers.

A rare glimmer of light in a evil age.

More impotent thoughts and prayers while the NRA laughs all the way to the bank.

Trump makes God vomit.

Be glad it’s milkshakes you racist cunts. Personally I would prefer something a bit harder and a lot faster.

So he has admitted publicly to war crimes. Arrest, and imprison.

Republicans are not Americans. If they were they would care about such a critical function of US governance. But they attack it on a regular basis and complain when people actually go out and vote. Only traitors complain when people get out and vote.

If they refuse to conduct their selves like actual human beings and not failed james bond villains then they should be encouraged to find another nation that will tolerate them and get out.