Trump will praise Jong Un as visionary, reiterate that he is in love with him, and try to apply the same tactic to republicans.
Trump will praise Jong Un as visionary, reiterate that he is in love with him, and try to apply the same tactic to republicans.
Ah so you’re one of those snowflake guys who thinks they know the person they are talking to.
Wah wah wah, the poor complicated life of a billionaire. Oh me oh my whatever shall we do for the rich man? Fuck them all. And their apologists.
We need more of this. A lot more.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Repeal citizens united.
You asked if I liked Sanders. I said yes, but he’s too old. How is that “wrong”? Sounds like you’re just looking for something to argue about. Read the rest of what I said at least, you act as though you only read the first sentence and stopped. Nothing that was stated in this video counters what I said.
This is how you beat tyranny. You defund it.
I like his policies but I think he’s too old to serve. He would have been better than trump, but that’s not saying much. I think the DNC did him dirty but that was no excuse for the bernie bros to throw the whole nation into chaos with their tantrum.
I cannot stress this enough. Vote. I don’t give a rats ass about your apathy, your excuses, your distaste. Vote. Even if the guy in the blue chair isn’t good, if your choice is between him and chuckle fucks like this, you pick the one in the blue chair. You shake off your tumblr approved purity bullshit and you…
Eat the rich.
Trump is a coward and a traitor and should be tried and punished accordingly. The republican party needs to purge the nazis and oligarchs from its seats or they should all be held culpable for what has happened in the last three years.
“Ban abortion!...but keep our guns, kill and steal kids at the border, and let the kids already born starve, or live on the street.” Republicans have no morals.
If you really want to respect our troops then vote for people who won’t send them off to die for profit.
The odds of being murdered are about the same. Every john is like a deployment, you never know what will happen.
The boring company made a boring hole.
The French solution to everything. Fuck your way to a brighter tomorrow.
“I guess it’s just... back down or something like that,”
If aliens are really here then they are taking bets on how long it takes for humanity to nuke it’s self into extinction. Which is looking really fucking likely these past three years. A little cleanup and they will have a brand new colony to move into.
If more people don’t start standing up to ICE and the trumpkins we are collectively going to know what Germany felt like during the Nuremberg trials. Though the UN would be doing us a favor hanging our neo nazis.