squirrel next door

And then getting a beer handed to him by Jimmy. Poor little fella. For any other boy his age that day would basically be like hitting the lottery.

Ha! Hadn't considered that, although I did wonder who was watching the baby when Joanna and the goon (whose name I'll never remember) went out to pick up Elliot. Somehow I just don't see her calling the high school girl next door to come babysit. If you're right about the baby monitor, someone might wanna get that kid

That was the word I couldn't make out. Thanks.

Most of the time I'd be inclined to agree, but it looked to me like Joanna's goon was giving him side eye in the rearview mirror when Elliot and Robot were talking in the backseat. There have been a lot of wary looks cast Elliot's way when he and Robot were mid argument. Which made sense before Elliot realized he

I have the same issue sometimes. I rewound the subway scene times to hear what Angela was planning to confess to and I never could make out the word. I'm assuming she's talking about loading the virus or whatever it was onto Allsafe's system, but after three tries of trying to make out exactly what it was she called

Every week I walk away from this show with more questions and crackpot theories than I came into with and I love that about it. I've got a few nagging questions/observations I'd like to throw out there after this one. All answers/theories are appreciated.

That was the moment I fell in love with him and it only got better from there.

In less than an hour, Darius became my new favorite guy on TV.

That sounds absolutely awful. I hope you found some kind of relief.

Gotcha. Thanks. Never would have known that on my own and I probably would have spent the rest of the series side-eying all baked goods.

I haven't had too much trouble over the years, although one did tear in half on my eyeball once. Wasn't painful but really screwed up that work day. Falling asleep with them in is always a pain in the ass though. You wake up and your eyes feel like they're wrapped in sticky sandpaper.

And didn't Angela's burner phone say "marble cake" when Darlene called? Are we gonna have to try to keep up with pastry clues and Easter Eggs too?

The fake commercials made me miss Better Off Ted all over again. That show couldn't be more different than Mr. Robot but it wouldn't surprise me is Veridian Dymanics was a subsidiary of E Corp.

My phobia of gnarly eye stuff is why I still wear contacts. Just the idea of lasik makes me queasy.

I don't understand the mom and dad relationship either. How those two people stay together for any length of time makes no sense to me. As for the bruise, my guess is still that it was the result of a fight with another kid. It's not uncommon for kids who have trouble at home to have trouble at school too. What I'm

I hear ya! Laugh track playing while mom punched her kid in the face and burns her with a cigarette didn't faze me. Dad beating a guy to death with a tire iron was no big deal. But that one bloody eyeball is gonna haunt my dreams.

He absolutely did.

I think it might end up being the station in Elliott's head. But ALF's voice sounded spot on to me from what I can remember.

Don't think there was a full explanation but dad said something about being sure Elliott didn't tell the principal his side. It seemed like a fight at school to me. Mom's no peach but I don't think that shiner was her handiwork.

Speaking of the music, did anyone else find the score in the bailout scene jarring? As Price was doing his thing, I kept thinking the music sounded like some patriotic anthem that would have fit better playing under Bill Pullman's big inspirational speech in Independence Day.