squirrel next door

I've been toying with the idea that Elliott and Mr. Robot are Tyrell's alters. That he's actually the main character of the show and neither he nor we know it yet. I'm sure someone will be able to shoot holes in this theory in about 15 seconds, but I think it would be a bold move.

This year can officially suck it.

David Lee asking Diane if she wanted him to do anything after that meeting ended was my favorite line of the episode.

That was how I read it too. While I'm sure she wasn't thrilled to see Gun-Toting Barbie show up to that meeting, I think Diane's problem with the situation was deeper than simple jealousy. Her husband was about to make a dumb move, an opinion verified by David Lee before what's-her-face ever walked into that room.

I had the same thought about Blaine's amnesia. Still not sure if he's been faking it all along or if he's getting his memories/personality back in dribs and drabs but he felt more Blaine-y to me tonight than he has in a while.

See? You have no excuse not to give it a shot then.

It's fantastic. Rob and Sharon are terrific together and somehow a knowing they wrote it together only makes it better. I say give it a shot. You can get through a whole season in 3 hours. If you aren't feeling it after season 1, no big deal. All you've wasted is a Saturday afternoon.

Agreed. Sooner or later someone's gonna make a Kevin Love biopic.

I've always been a "one potato, two potato" kind of girl.

Any why risk moving Maggie in the first place? Why not go to Hilltop and bring the doctor back with you?

It didn't have the balls to kill Judith, so I think it's a pretty safe bet to say Maggie and her baby will be fine.

Nope. Made it about 90 seconds before I had to look away. The dog going out the window made me chuckle though.

At this point, I"m half expecting Rick to wake up in that hospital bed and tell Lori he'd had the craziest dream ever.

Hardwick, as a person, doesn't really bother me, but I know exactly what you mean and I agree. I only got through about the first 10 minutes of Talking Dead before I couldn't take it anymore, but the level of seriousness Hardwick gives at the end of an episode like this is just insane. He almost treats it like a

I think what these past few episodes have done to Carol might be what pisses me off the most about this season.

Speaking of doctors, how the hell has nobody else in Alexandria gotten any kind of medical training? Even if Denise had stayed put and survived, how is having more than one person on hand who knows how to do more than slap on a Band-Aid a bad idea? And what about midwifery? If the human race is going to continue,

My money's on eighth-grade history teacher.

Am I the only one who actually gets queasy watching those? Pretty sure I'd puke in the theater if I went to see that.

They're the opposite of Batman.

Yeah, that whole "pee-pee pants" bit took me right out of the moment. I get that they were aiming for with that one but it missed the mark by a mile, IMO. I actually thought Jeffrey Dean Morgan was really good and can't help wondering what he could have done with that scene of the writing wasn't so ridiculous. [Full