squirrel next door

Bullshit. Bullshit. And more bullshit. But as much as the manipulative, trolling, totally-saw-it-coming cliffhanger pissed me off, what really gives me the red ass is the way the producers tried to sell this garbage as some kind of bold, edgy and creative move on Talking Dead. I would have had a million times more

When Rick was trying to run down Jesus in the field, there were walkers tied to the junk cars. (I'm choosing to ignore the conveniently times unraveling of the rope). Something was spray painted on one of the cars. Looked like it started with "we will" but I couldn't make out the rest even after pausing the DVR. Did

After all the trouble Monica caused the firm the last time around, and all the eye-opening she prompted, I found it unbelievably tone deaf for Cary and Diane to push her and Lucca together as blatantly as they were. It's like they've never met a black person before and decided the best way to handle it was to schedule

All I could think when he grabbed the ax and headed out the door was "What about Judith, asshole?" For someone who's spent an awful lot of time griping about how useless the Alexandrians are, it takes some balls to saddle your friends with the responsibility to raising your kid just because you needed to rage out for

You're right. I was griping about the "Mr." Somehow It feels wrong to me for the cops to use courtesy titles.

Speaking of Mr. Boss, does it bother anyone else that that's all anyone ever calls him? I could see his henchmen using the Mr. as a sign of respect, but everyone else uses it too. The cops call him that, so does Peyton, Liv, Ravi, etc. even when they're talking about him, not to him. The show is doing a hell of a job

In the end she was kind. But not until after Mary pointed out that she'd been a raging bitch when she found Mrs. Hughes trying on her coats.

I can't stand Mary. Yes, she's beautiful, but she's also a sorry excuse for a human being. Why all these men are always falling all over themselves to marry her I'll never understand. And worst of all, I actually agreed with her last week (or maybe it was the week before) when she let Cora have it for being so rude to

I had a similar reaction at the beginning of Lucca's response, but the longer she talked, the more I believed what she was saying, especially when she brought up her brother. (If we've ever heard anything about him before I don't remember it). Then I remembered how she told Rowby a couple of weeks ago how she quickly

My friend are I were wondering if JM is ill. The wigs keep getting worse and she's gotten so thin lately that she looks like she's sick. She's always been thin but especially during that laundry room meltdown, she's starting to look almost frail.

Why is this even a thing?

Damien Rice "I Don't Want to Change You."

Or "Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis" for the holiday version.

Prince "Purple Rain"

Yeah, Mary is a horrible person but the bitch does have great hair.

Yep. I look forward to watching this group of maniacs on TV every week. Now imagine being able to see it in person. Hell, I'd buy a ticket

Now I'm gonna have to start the season over to see is anyone's ever said 42.

I get what you mean about Floyd, but the things you're pointing out are the same things that ring the most true with me. She's spent decades watching as her husband ran the family business but watching and doing are two very different things. Given how his sons, especially Dodd, treat women I'm willing to bet Otto

I actually thought it was Jude Law for a few minutes.