squirrel next door

I thought it was both. Take out Milligan and the Kitchen brother and then finish the job Milligan was supposed to do.

That cracked me up actually. It took them how long to remember the zombie guts throw walkers off the scent thing, but once they did, those ponchos were ready in a flash!

I knew I was going to hate that kid tonight when he left the empty plate outside his door. The world is full of monsters now kid. And I get it, it's fucked you up. But you're old enough to realize that mom has more important things to do than clean up after your ass.

All the kids on this show are awful. And what kid Sam's age has even heard "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" let alone has a copy on vinyl?

Yep. That whole scene was soaked in dread. I was sure Hanzee was waiting behind the doors to the den.

I think so although it's worth noting that if it was him, he was heard and not seen. I guess it's possible that disembodied voice belonged to someone else. Aliens?

Reminded me a little of how Mags Bennett punished her boys. It was definitely not the first time Bear had been in that position. Dodd said something about not letting the men see him taking backtalk from Bear. It wasn't an apology, but I thought it was interesting that he felt the need to explain at all.

I'm with you on the fire hazard. When Dodd and his men first started going down those stairs, I was really expecting one of them to just light the place up.

While this was without a doubt Nick Offerman's hour, Jeffrey Donovan is a much better actor than I ever gave him credit for.

Not to mention Betsy's cancer and Lou being all that Molly has.

I need to watch this again, partly because it was perfect, but also to pay more attention to Sonny. When shit first started going down he looked (justifiably) terrified. But by the last shot we see of him it looked to me like all he was missing was a bowl of popcorn. I get that there's not a whole lot of excitement in

Absolutely loved the Kitchen brother (whose first name I don't remember ever hearing) answering the phone without saying a word.

Nick Offerman is a national fucking treasure.

Well, somebody's gotta scour the highways looking for fresh roadkill. Gas isn't free.

Tired and cranky is something I understand. Take a nap and maybe you'll sweeten up a little.

Pretty sure Alexander was English, not that it matters. I don't really get what your gripe is here. He was one of their own, it makes sense to me that they'd want to support his family first. Could they spread a little money around? Sure, and they may be doing that as well.

I'm trying. But it's strange, even from thousands of miles away.

I know this means absolutely nothing in light of what's happened in Paris tonight but it's a really indescribable feeling reading this as I'm sitting in a crowded concert venue.

It cracked me up that Lindsey had to explain to Sam what New phone. Who dis? meant.

The look on Edgar's face when he dropped that bag off was the best part of the whole bit.