squirrel next door

"British people, cover your skin. We're going outside," is probably the best line I've seen on TV in months.

I have the same striped shirt Fiona was wearing in the supermarket hanging in my closet right now. Not sure if I should be weirdly proud of that or if I should go outside and set it on fire.

My favorite line was the one about having to hold one of them (Honey Nutz I think) after he saw The Blair Witch Project.

I'd watch six seasons and a movie of Sam and Lindsey shopping and recording dis tracks.

I get what you mean. I was relieved too. (Although are we sure he didn't kill at least a few of them? If I remember right Blaine's dad was only the third body in that freezer. I thought we'd seen him throw more dummies than that over the rail. Multiple freezers are possible, I guess.) But what's Major's long-term plan

Whether it's true or not, I've decided that Ravi was joking about clown college. I really like Ravi and clowns are just … no.

It bothered me a bit that he just dumps them in the freezer and walks away. Unless I missed it, that lid didn't have any kind of lock on it. I don't know how likely frozen zombies are to reanimate and open the lid, but I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility for someone to stumble upon a chest

Same here. But I like Aaron, so I'm writing it off as an awkward attempt to lighten the mood that just fell short.

To me, that confession seemed like Aaron's way of letting the others know that they really are as unprepared and vulnerable as Rick's group says they are. He was one of the few Alexandrians who has spent a significant amount of time outside the walls, so he has a better handle on the state of the world than the rest

I can't bring myself to rematch it, but on first viewing, I assumed a seam in the wall was separating.

I've always thought he looks like Jason O'Mara.

They're saving the RV escape story for a 90-minute episode next season that will air right after Carol finds herself locked in an empty closet with the walker version of that kid with the cookie addiction and the bowl haircut.

What annoys me most about the Alexandrians is the show keeps showing/telling us over and over again how unprepared they are, how little they know about the world outside the walls, how much they need Rick and company's help if they're going to survive, etc. If we all agree that they're helpless little kittens can we

And Aaron forgot how to stand. I really thought he had broken a leg or something given the amount of time he spent sitting in sewer water before helping her.

I figured the solar panels took care of the green living quota. My bad.

So if the point of the plan was simply to lure the zombies far away with engine noise, what's to stop them from following Daryl and the others back? Are they really banking on just flooring it all the way home & hoping the zombies can't keep up?

Which begs the question why return an empty bottle? Even if it was half full I'd just hang on to it or hide it. Someone sneaking off with a bottle of booze after all hell breaks loose seems like a pretty simple thing to forgive.

Aaron's husband/BF (whose name I can't remember) survived the Wolves' ambush, right? I get why he was so intent on going along with Maggie, and I'm choosing to let go of my annoyance that he didn't take any kind of supplies with him. But if his fella is alive & well I have a really hard time buying that Aaron wouldn't

I was transfixed by the Diane chain. Couldn't stop wondering how heavy those things must be. They're almost like armor at this point.

I had the same question. I'm also wondering how she got video that looked like that without anyone noticing she was recording the interviews (particularly with David and Howard). I'm assuming the camera/phone was hidden in her purse or briefcase but a lot of the angles in that video looked like she was holding the