squirrel next door

Completely agree on American History X. Just hearing the title brings back the curb scene and … ::shivers::

Nope. The end didn't defang shit for me. Not saying it was a good ending, it wasn't. But nothing can erase the horror of Pennywise. I'll take Tim Curry in lingerie any day of the week but once the wig and clown makeup show up, I'm gonna GTFO.

I'm really bad at remembering episode titles for any show, even the ones I love, but I'll never forget "Home." Creeped the hell out of me. I've managed to finish it several times over the years, but every time I come across it I have to ask myself if I'm really up for it again. It stays with me for a couple of days

I agree completely. And what's she's chosen to stick with (Gretchen) requires a lot more effort, time and thoughtfulness than keeping the lights on. She's not giving herself nearly enough credit.

I got about halfway through The Descent before I had to turn it off and run to the biggest open space I could find.

Vernon might be the most fucked up of them all. I'm pretty sure there's enough there to do a full-on spinoff. Not sure I could handle watching it though. Not a fan of barfing. The though of what his spawn is gonna turn out to be is terrifying.

Ha! While I wasn't exactly worried about it, I was expecting him to comment on it. Maybe next week starts off with him fighting with the clerk about it.

I like Bruce Campbell a lot, but that Ash vs. the Evil Dead ad that keeps popping up at the bottom of the page has guaranteed that I'm never going to watch that show.

What if she isn't fucked up? (You know, aside from the improv thing. Everybody is a little off somehow, right?) She won points with me last week with her "he's literally never mentioned you" remark to Lindsey. With that one sentence she made it clear that she's well aware of what's going on and isn't in any hurry to

That scene got even funnier to me when I realized that Lindsey must have given the guy her clothes at least semi-voluntarily (yep, I'm making up words tonight). If I'm remembering right, her costume looked a little worse for wear at the end of the episode, but it clearly hadn't been torn off.

Agreed. And as I said farther down the page, I think the whole thing was more about Jimmy in the end than it ever was about fixing Gretchen. But the idea that Jimmy would do anything to make someone else happy is a sign of growth from the guy he was when the show started.

I think your read on this is right. To my mind, Jimmy didn't approach the day as a gift to Gretchen or as a way to show her a good time and distract her from her depression for a little while. If he had come at it that way, I think it would have been a genuinely sweet gesture.

Me too. I just counted, and now I'm depressed.

I loved that Buffalo Bill did the whole "you can do it!" pep talk thing without dropping the character's voice. It made what was already a terrific scene even funnier.

I love Lindsey more every week. Kether Donohue is doing a hell of a job this season. That scene last week when Lindsey curls up on the bed with Gretchen was incredible. For all her trainwreckness and difficulties being an adult, Lindsey really does have a well of insight into Gretchen and knows when the time is right

I'm not so sure she is buying what he's selling. At the beginning of their conversation, it was clear Peyton expected it to go nowhere and I think her surprise at Blaine's revelations was sincere. However, from there on out I think she might be playing him. She's too smart not to at least suspect that he's got

I just love this show so damn much, I don't know where to start. Even though I knew Jimmy's plan was guaranteed to go down in flames, I couldn't help but appreciate the sweetness of the gesture. Season 1 Jimmy would never have done that. Same can be said of Gretchen. Pretending to be "fixed" isn't going to work, but

I must have missed that line. Thanks.

I think so too. There was that moment between her and Glenn a few weeks back where they talked about some vague reason about why she had to stay behind.

What was the point of bringing along the guy who got bit in the back (David?) I get that Glenn and Michonne are supposed to be the compassionate, nobody gets left behind ones of the group, but how does allowing a ticking time bomb to tag along make sense? What was the point of Michonne promising to get him home? Was