squirrel next door

So are we thinking that the killer's girlfriend really is a furry or did she lie to give him an alibi? If it was bullshit, I've gotta say it was enthusiastic bullshit. And if it was on the level, then good for her for having no shame in letting her freak flag fly.

I'm sure this point has been made before, but I've gotta say how much I love what this show is doing with Major and Robert Buckley is really knocking it out of the park. The guy who started out as bland but attractive is really compelling these days. I hope Ravi keeps a close eye on him. Major's gonna need all the

I caught that too and loved it. What I wanna know is how she managed to make that dress so flexible. I'm guessing there was a lot of clear packing tape involved. When she got down on the floor, I was almost expecting her dress to creak. Bonus points for craftiness.

I think that was precisely the point. If you're gonna go rich evil white dude, go all in. Three olives and all.

I don't know. Seemed to me that her being so willing to go with Liv's flow was a work thing for evil roomie who's name I can't remember. Once she got to the frat party, it was pretty clear that she didn't want to be there. I'd bet she would have gone along if Liv had asked her to go volunteer to kill puppies at the

I immediately thought of "Dogfight," with River Phoenix and Lily Taylor. Always thought that movie was way underrated.

I agree that Clive is starting to catch on to Liv's personality "quirks." I suspect he's always noticed the change from one case to the next, but now that he knows her better I think he's got a better read on how she is when she's not on brains. I don't think it's an accident that he's either said something about it

And why aren't there ever any fat zombies? I get that gaunt walkers look cool, but do reanimated rotting corpses have metabolisms?

It bugs me a little that for someone who's presented as a solid detective, Clive has never seemed to notice how much Liv's personality quirks change from one case to the next.

Agreed on the not great part, but she wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared. Like others have said, she really didn't get a lot to work with this week (with the notable exception of Matt Bomer, lucky girl) so it's kind of hard to judge. But we'll see. A friend of mine said Gaga was the least weird thing about this

Greg Proops getting named dropped made me way happier than it should have.

Where's Angela Basset?

Don't forget the eyeliner. The eyeliner gave me the vagina tingles!

Nope. Right there with ya. The fact that the little boy looked like he stepped off the set of Village of the Damned before he was abducted might be the most disturbing part of the whole thing.

Tear You Apart is a great song that I've loved for years. But I couldn't help but laugh when I realized that I'd just watched a heroin addict get anally raped by a faceless monster wearing a drillbit strap on and a literal blood orgy and the network felt it necessary to censor the "fucking" in the lyrics on the

I'm convinced the writers have a running competition to see which one of them can get the most batshit idea on television. I'd love to know what the prize is.

Matt Bomer, Wes Bentley and Cheyenne Jackson are all versions of the same man. It's like making a Xerox of a Xerox. The original (Bomer) is perfect and every subsequent copy and copy of a copy gets a little less attractive. Still a great looking group of fellas, but I'm not sure what to think about the resemblance

But if you really think about it, is it really all that surprising? Peter has always been looking out for Peter first and foremost, so while I can understand why Eli would feel betrayed, the move itself really didn't feel all that out of character for Peter, at least not to me. For all we've seen of the Peter-Eli

Me too and as someone who can't stand the sight of Peter, I'm loving the idea of Alicia and Eli joining forces against him.

Moping Eli and his snow Nazis was great. I love Alan Cumming. Although the chair his assistant (Nora?) was sitting in in his apartment surprised me. It didn't seem like Eli's style at all. Too funky. Maybe Marissa has moved in?