squirrel next door

Don't forget Justified. That's where I learned Margo Martingale could be absolutely terrifying.

That bugged me a little too. It's been ages, but I don't remember Bunsen ever being outright cruel to Beaker. Sure, Beaker was the guinea pig and got blown up more times than I can count, but from what I recall, all those explosions were the result of an experiment gone awry, rather than Bunsen deliberately zapping


Upvoted for Emmett Otter reference. As much as I love the Muppets, and I do, Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas is my childhood. I'd love to see those characters again as long as they don't try to turn Wendell into Skrillex.

That scene confirmed my suspicion that I'm never going to be able to look at Jere Burns again and not see Wynn Duffy.

Yeah. That line gave me the heebie jeebies too. But mostly because it came out of Kermit's mouth. If another character, Janice for instance, had said it, I don't think I would have had a reaction to it at all.

I agree completely. When she was talking to Elliot on the sidewalk the door to the townhouse behind her opened, but if anyone came out of it, I missed it. It was closed again when the camera cut back to her. I'm sure it's probably nothing, but that's the kind of stuff I've trained myself to focus on. Sometimes I'm so

Yes! Maddie is basically what Andrea would have ended up being if she'd reproduced. This episode was an improvement and I'll stick around for a few more to see if it continues to get better, but I enjoyed hate watching and nitpicking a thousand times more than any of these characters.

The medical people definitely know something's up, given the way that nurse blew off Madison and Travis when they discovered Nick was missing. In addition to his roommate, she said there was another death on the floor, which seems like it would be a pretty common occurrence in a hospital. Certainly not worthy of the

I don't understand why the show runners feel the need to step away from what works. They say wanted to make "a family drama," but what they've failed to realize it that TWD is already a family drama. And a pretty complex one at that. For all its faults (and it's had many over the years) I think TWD has done a good job

Oh I'm with you 100 percent. The point I was trying to make is that whole "maybe I don't want to find him" thing was just about the only thing that came out of her mouth that was relatable at all.

He was the best thing about this episode and apparently we aren't allowed to have anything interesting so he had to die. I was looking forward to learning about how he and Nick's family know each other and how he juggled what seems like a double life. Odds are we'll get some kind of backstory on Cal in the future, but

That bit I can kinda understand. I have some experience with addicts and I'm familiar with the concept of not wanting to know more than you already do while at the same time wanting to know all the details. However, having said that, this kid is clearly far enough gone that the whole "he's going to be fine" bullshit

I appreciate your effort, but I can't disagree with you more about Alicia. She's as awful a cliche as the rest of them. This show has a long way to go to even be worthy of hate watching.

I saw James Franco and Jack White. (I mentioned this down thread but it fits better here)

Exactly. And a rude idiot to boot. Maybe this is just me, but if my boyfriend blew off his own kid (for what can't have been the first time) to go investigate whether my junkie son really saw something or is just crazy and still had the thoughtfulness to bring me a change of clothes at the hospital the last thing I

My friend was screaming for someone to die about 45 minutes in because he already hated these characters. I have to agree with him.

The only character I found even remotely interesting was the one they killed.

This week in questionable TV parenting:
1. Standing by silently as your junkie son backs a truck over a friend he's already shot, put the car in drive and runs him over again. How was she not screaming her head off the whole time?
2. Why the hell did she put the daughter on the bus when school dismissed early? Travis

Agree 100 percent on the cliches point, especially with the kid with the knife (Tobias?). Of course he had to be greasy haired with horrible acne. For all my complaints about TWD over the years, the makeup has always been really well done. But that kid's acne was laughably fake looking.