squirrel next door

It's been a long time since a show has made being confused this compelling. I keep wavering between whether I think Mr. Robot is only in Elliot's head or if Elliot's dad faked his death all those years ago and resurfaced now to seek his revenge on Evil Corp. If I hadn't read Sepinwall's review, I probably wouldn't

I'm still surprised this show is on USA. Given the network's history with laundry-folding shows like Psych and White Collar, Mr. Robot is a welcome change of pace. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Gus, Shawn and Neil, but I feel like I need to remind myself every week that Mr. Robot requires my full attention.

Once this season is over, I think I'm going to have to go back and rematch it from the beginning. So many things, about Darlene especially, make sense in light of tonight's revelation. It reminded me of Matt Smith's first season as The Doctor when all those odd little moments with Amy, which seemed like throwaway bits

Do you guys know if she's written a book? She never mentions it.

I don't know, but there is merch. I've had a T-shirt for years.

I loved the shot when Jack went to see him. For a couple of second there, Jack's face lined up perfectly with Hannibal's reflection in the plexiglass. The image was particularly fitting given how Jack's intentions for Will have grown increasingly questionable.

And that's exactly why I'm hoping he isn't just a figment of Elliot's imagination. That would be too easy and I think this show could be more clever than that. Plus, if I'm remembering right, Mr. Robot has interacted with people who aren't Elliot. If anything, I'm more inclined to think that the entire story is all in

Cougar Town comes to mind.

I've always been amazed Hannibal aired on NBC and the level of (beautifully shot) gore the show got away with on network television still shocks me every week. While this news is really disappointing, Hannibal is the best show on TV right now IMO, I agree it's not surprising and I'm fairly confident it will be picked

This was NBC's design. Those fuckers.

Nah, she's never satisfied.

Most of them, sure. But I think there are a few, the henchmen of the bunch, who'd jump at the chance to take over. A couple have tried, and failed, before, but I think Blaine being rehumanized could present an opening for an opportunistic zombie or two.

I can't help but wonder if Blaine wouldn't have a little bit of a hard time convincing one of his minions to scratch him. Before he was "cured" he was their creator and dealer. Clearly in control of the situation and it was an arrangement some of the zombies had to have resented. They were at his mercy and dependent

Me too. And I though the face your fear self-help thing he was listening to in the car was a great touch. It's great to see the show acknowledge that no one goes from mild-mannered kids' counselor to zombie hunting badass without a little trepidation.

I kept waiting for Clive to realize the lollipop was an edible. While Liv's temporary personality transplants can be perplexing to someone who doesn't understand what the story behind them is, as a cop — and a good one — Clive should have made that particular connection. She was practically, and hilariously,

Liam was temporarily gay after eating a brain. I'd call that affected.

Nothing on You're the Worst?

The handwriting didn't get me, but leaving his property to "this man" did. I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure it'd have to be a little more specific than that to stick legally. What's to stop random dude from walking into some county office claiming to be "this man." I was actually expecting Raylan to ask the guy what

Apologies if someone else has already brought this up, but what are the odds that Hagan's son's wardrobe would be so close to Boyd's usual attire? I get that they needed to explain how Boyd managed to ditch the deputy's uniform, but nothing he had on looked like something a kid or young adult would wear unless Harlan

I actually kind of liked that Loretta did such a lousy job of protecting herself. Not only because it set up that incredible conversation with Markum, but because it served as a reminder that despite all her nerve, savvy and ambition, she's still just a kid. Loretta is one of my favorite characters on this show