squirrel next door

I'm probably just grasping at the last straws of Boyd's humanity here, but I'm still not convinced Boyd's ultimate plan is to kill her. Like he told Raylan, "you don't know what's in my heart."

Agreed. And I didn't see her shooting Boyd as an especially badass moment for her, although she has had several of those throughout the years. To me, her shooting Boyd was an act of desperation, what she saw as the only card she had left to play. Hell, she even apologized before she did it. Ava's certainly come a long

This might just be wishful thinking on my part, but did it seem to anyone else like that entire Marshal's office was still on Raylan's side? I'm not saying any of them agree with what he's doing and Vasquez could very well be right and they're all just trying to avoid the PR and administrative shit storm he's about to

My point exactly. I'd love it if it was Ellen Mae but I don't see that happening.

If we can somehow loop in that cult he wants to start, I'm on board.

You're probably right. And Harlan County isn't a big place as far as I know so I can buy the legend of Boyd Crowder being common knowledge. But if that's where they were going with this it would have made sense to me if the name used was one we'd recognize.

Hmm. I'll reserve final judgment until I see how this all shakes out, but as a gut reaction, I don't like that one bit. If Ava's got a plan B (or C or D or wherever we are as her life unravels) it bugs me a little that we're gonna be left in the dark as to who that is.

OK, so why does Duffy need TWO passports/IDs? Who's the other one for?

I keep thinking it was Limehouse. But that's mostly because I can't come up with any other possibilities.

No, and I was just about to ask that same question. I have a feeling though that we might be about to find out. Boyd's monologue in the truck could have easily have been set up without dropping that name.

Couple of questions:
1. Who was Ava calling while running down the mountain? I looked away for a second and if it was made clear, I missed it.
2. What did she drop when the deputies picked her up? Was it Dewey's shark tooth necklace?

For the first time I can remember tonight Nelson felt like"one of the guys."

No. My vote goes to "Your teeth glow in the dark."

The fact that you two don't agree on this is evidence of what a fantastic job they've done with the character. Personally, I think he was lying to Vasquez too, but I can completely understand how someone could think the opposite.

I wouldn't mind seeing Duffy revert back to the psycho he was when he first showed up. I've really enjoyed watching him evolve over the years, but he was flat-out scary at the beginning and I really like the idea that he's just been biding his time until it was necessary to unleash the beast again. I'd love to see

It's gotta be Loretta. It just has to be. And I, for one, am hoping Duffy makes it out alive. The Billie Jean King press clipping sealed the deal for me on that one.

I kept hoping Diane was going to ask if she had ever worked on a civil marriage ceremony. The woman said something to the effect of the weddings she works are people committing to one another before God, which made me wonder whether she'd have an issue cashing a check written by a couple who got married without God

Yes. At least it was the two times I've seen him, but it has been a while. I'll never forget seeing him do "Every Day is Like Sunday" in Asbury Park which, at the time, literally was a seaside town that they forgot to bomb.

Same here. The missing stache still freaks me out a little, and whoever compared him to the Grinch a few weeks back really hit the nail on the head. However, being clean shaven does allow for a lot more action in the facial expression department.

Oh, I definitely think he has an opinion. But I also think you're right when you say it's not a good one. Raylan Givens has to be the worst coworker in history. Having said that though, there's no doubt in my mind that Tim would pop someone in the apricot in a heartbeat if Raylan's life were on the line.