squirrel next door

My guess is option B, especially since he mentioned the ring earlier in the conversation.

I get what you mean, but I disagree. My stomach dropped when Helen got shot.

Being sick of Raylan's shit and believing he's conspiring with Ava to steal $10 million are two very different things.

Oof. I'm wincing just reading that. I hope it healed quickly.

Mikey's death broke my cold, black heart, but nothing is ever going to crush me like Helen's death did.

He always has been though. But in the past, his dickitude has worked in the Marshal Office's favor.

Given how long it took him to notice that Raylan said his brother was dead, it's clear that Earl was never the brains of that particular operation. On an unrelated note, the actors do really look like they could be related. Great casting.

I suspect Vazquez has shifted into save-his-own-ass mode. Whether he believes Raylan is dirty or not doesn't really matter as long as acting like he is could save his own career.

Yeah, I'm skeptical too. Especially since neither Ava or Zachariah actually looked inside. Given the way her luck has gone so far, I'd honestly be surprised if the money is in there.

I've never broken my clavicle, but I have pinched my sciatic nerve before. That was torture. There was no such thing as comfortable for a while there and riding in a car was damn near impossible. A broken collarbone has got to be just as bad, I imagine.

I know! Just when I thought I couldn't look forward to the next episode any more, I catch that split second of Bob in the preview and I have to re-evaluate my excitement level.

Ordinarily I'd agree. But I so badly don't want this to end. I'll take every extra minute I can get.

I've gotta say, the prospect of this show ending with an Art-Raylan showdown was not something I'd considered before. So, I've gotta give the writers points for surprising me. But I'm not sure how I feel about the idea. Few things on this show have broken my heart more than Art's [justified, sorry but it's the only

I'd have to rewatch to be sure, but I think it's a combination of the two. I think the punch knocked the wind out of her, then he landed on top of her, resting nearly his full weight on her neck.

Does anyone think Tim actually believes Raylan's in on it with Ava? I took him asking Raylan to cut him in on the $10 million as snark, not a serious offer. I really hope I'm not wrong about that.

But he does surprise. There was genuine emotion there for Mikey. I really didn't see that coming. I expected Wynn would take off running the second he got the chance.

Here's a town where, miraculously, nothing ever happens and one day two dudes get into a brawl, crash through the window and one guy pulls a gun in the middle of the street and rants like a blood-soaked lunatic. The next night, everybody is gonna get together and decide what to do about "the crazy guy." Who skips that

Nope, I laughed too and gave him bonus points for his ability to improvise. Although I thought it was a little weird that he took the license plate to start with but I guess old hobbies die hard.

Well that was… underwhelming, especially given the extra 30 minutes.
I was relieved to see Glenn survive [I was one of those who thought he was a goner when he told Maggie he loved her] but I feel cheated that we didn't get to see how he managed to fight his way out trouble. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would have

Need? No. Want? Oh, hell yeah.