squirrel next door

Someone explain to me how Gabriel can venture out to commit suicide by zombie, change his mind at the last minute and pop the monster's head like a grape and not get a single drop of blood on his sparkling white shirt. I'm lucky if my shirt emerges from a spaghetti dinner unscathed.

I saw this tour too but I was one of those who bailed on Juliana Hatfield. I have to ask, did he play Hallelujah at your show? He didn't when I saw him and I still wish he had.

Same thing happened to me at Bonnaroo a couple of years ago. Jack Johnson came in as a last-minute replacement when that guy from Mumford and Son's head exploded. It was nice of him to do (and I'm sure there was a nice check in return for him) but I just couldn't really get excited about it. Jack Johnson is fine

Ben Wyatt, is that you?

He didn't get bounced, but he did get an enormous eye roll from Jeff Buckley, which is probably something he's still bragging about to his friends.

No! And it still breaks my heart. But otherwise he was amazing. Really good Kick Out the Jams Cover and he did a couple of songs that would later end up on Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk. One of them was What Would You Say, which he had to exasperatedly explain to some idiot in the crowd wasn't going to be a

He really does. He was awesome at Bonnaroo a couple of years ago. I'd see him again in a heartbeat.

I bought a ticket to see Juliana Hatfield, who I can't stand, only because Jeff Buckley was opening for her. Luckily for me, the club had a large outdoor patio area I could escape to once she took the stage. I had plenty of company out there, so I"m guessing I'm not the only one who couldn't bear hearing that Sister

The thought of Winona showing back up long enough to kill Ava just crossed my mind and now I hate myself a little.

She may have, but I don't remember Ava having a history of being a particularly accurate shot. She didn't have a problem taking Bowman out, but I've always chalked that up to being at close range and the size of that shotgun. Then again, it's possible that this episode was so good that it blew the memory of Ava's

I'm really hoping he'll be able to work antidisestablishmentarianism into one of these last few reviews. Consider yourself challenged Alasdair.

Yep. He flat-out admitted that he wasn't supposed to be anywhere near her and told her Vasquez is pulling her deal. While I think Raylan was probably hoping he could come up with a way to hold this whole thing together, there's no way he didn't know that giving Ava this information was all-but telling her to run.

Nope, I don't think so either. What was it he said to Avery? Something like "fond has nothing to do with it."

Thank you! I had to rewind that scene because I couldn't figure out where I recognized that guy from.

My favorite part of that scene was how long it took Mikey to remove all the weapons from Duffy's pockets. But I wouldn't be surprised if we discover next week that he'd missed one.

I'm thinking he has to. Why go to all the trouble of inventing and naming a new character only to abandon it? There are dozens of other ways that conversation with Walker could have gone and still ended up in the same place without bringing Grubes into it. Hell, they even went so far as to have Boyd correct Walker's

I'm half expecting those bags to be stacks of bricks with a thin layer of bills on top. I have no clue how much 10 million weighs, but Avery seemed to be struggling with those duffel bags pretty obviously. He's no spring chicken, but they looked just a little too heavy to me.

Please don't revisit mama on the skateboard under the bed. "Home" still creeps the ever-loving shit out of me.

What about The Lone Gunmen?

Charles in Charge