squirrel next door

And kinda funny too. The show took the time to show us that someone is keeping an eye on a useless infant, but we don't even get a glimpse of the girl with the traumatic brain injury, the treacherous priest or the guy who finally grew a pair and sorta kinda almost saved the day last week.

There may be a clear answer to this that I'm missing since I was lucky enough to grow up in a peaceful household, but what I don't get is why Sam chose Carol to protect him/confide in when she made it abundantly clear to the kid that she had no interest in having anything to do with him. I guess it's possible he'd

I'm afraid Glenn's days are numbered too. I really hope I'm wrong.

I was really, really hoping Enid was going to make fun of him for it and he'd finally get rid of that thing. Having Carl is bad enough but that hat is just the cherry on a shit sundae.

Yeah, I think Enid (who names a child that in this century?) is definitely mixed up in it somehow. That knife, and the nugget of backstory we got about it, received too much attention to not be noteworthy.

That stupid balloon was the biggest nitpick of the week for me. I can buy the solar-powered town part. I can overlook a town full of shitty scavengers having a seemingly endless supply of booze. I can decide not to question how they still have running water. But a helium tank? That's just going too far.

Speaking of Gabriel, was anybody else half expecting to see him jumping up and down on the sidewalk yelling "I told you so!!!" when Rick went bonkers?

I'm right there with you. I was only half paying attention when Carol was talking about the kid having a lock on the inside of his closet door and for a second I thought he was hiding from Jessie.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Rick/Pete thing. For a second there, I thought maybe the show would be brave and have Rick flat-out murder the guy. But no. That would be interesting and apparently we can't have that. Of course Pete has to show up in full asshole mode and start a fight with Rick. As they were

I took me a couple of minutes to recognize that was Rosita. Didn't realize until tonight that I recognized her more by the Laura Croft getup than by her actual face.

Especially tuna noodle casserole. Not sure that's what it was but just the thought makes me gag.

With the eyebrows and facial hair Wynn's been rocking lately, I can't believe I just now realized how much Jere Burns actually looks like a rat these days. Well done, show!

Me too.

If Wynn and Mikey make it out alive I really want them to go out like Thelma and Louise in the Winnie.

Yeah I remembered enough of high school French to translate that on my own but thanks. I'm wondering if the French was a hint of a connection to the Hatians like John Baptiste from last season. But that's probably too much of a stretch.

I would pay all the money in my wallet right now to see Tim bust out the "get some cold cuts" song and the Ickey Shuffle.

Is she? I was thinking 16 tops.

True, but Jonathan Tucker is capable of more. I thought he was great on The Black Donnellys. But then again, I think I was one of the few who genuinely liked that show.

Kaitlyn Dever is amazing. I've never seen that Tim Allen sitcom she was (is?) on, but I have no reservations at all about saying that she was wasting her talents on that garbage.

Should we attach any significance to her speaking French to what I'm assuming is the cleanup crew?