squirrel next door

Wasn't there already a Holly? I seem to remember Tara asking Glenn about her as they were packing up to leave on the supply run of doom.

Then when is it my turn, dammit?!?

I really wish that had been what he'd actually said. It would have been perfect.

OK. So he's got his own label printing and bottling operation too? On top of being the town's [apparently] only doctor?

So glad to hear I'm not the only one wondering about the liquor supply. Given how inept these people have proven themselves to be on supply runs, how the hell do you manage to get a steady enough stream of booze to be a drunk?

I thought it was interesting that Carol said "you're" going to have to kill him. Not "we" or "Jessie."

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Pastor Perspiration has lost it at this point. While his religious ramblings could make some sense given that he is a priest, his repeating the part about Satan hiding in the light of the good angel or whatever that was when Deanna asked him why he waited so long to tell her about Rick and co.

And let's not forget that Gabriel put himself before his entire congregation when he let them become a zombie buffet instead of opening the doors to the church.

I disagree with you on the Carol is a sociopath thing. I don't see that at all. To my mind, she's doing what she needs to do to make sure she and her group stay alive. And after the way things went down with Mica and her sister, I have no problem understanding why she'd have no interest in risking an attachment with

Speaking of dicks, I had no idea the other townie on the run was named Nicholas. For some reason I thought his name was Russell. When Glenn was yelling instructions to him through the revolving door, I was sure he called him "dickless" which cracked me up. We had to rewind it to figure out that wasn't what he actually

You're an English teacher, right?

And don't forget the line about Helen giving out blow jobs in the parking lot while Arlo was in the hospital.

I'm setting the DVR right now. Dickie can be his jailhouse snitch.

I'm still heartbroken over losing Helen. That "I hope you get cancer" "Already had it" fight she had with Arlo is one of my favorite scenes ever.

I couldn't help but notice that after years of warning Rylan not to venture too far off the approved path Art, who if I'm not mistaken is still on leave, is showing up in the office and taking clandestine meetings in hotel rooms with murderous women. I guess some things are just easier said than done. Either that, or

Any guesses on what Walker was trying to tell Rylan when he died?

As bummed as I am that the end is near, and I'm heartbroken, I didn't expect Mikey to be one of the reasons for that. But if this season has proven nothing else, it's made it clear that there are unplumbed depths to the henchman's henchman.

Well, Rylan is in love with Boyd's balls.

And I'm perfectly OK with that. He's making it work, Tide pen and all.

Seeing Arlo's ghost in that shed reminded me how much I loved to hate that evil bastard. I miss this show already.