squirrel next door

*weeps uncontrollably while doing the same*

Tim was hitting it out of the park tonight. And on top of that, he made me realize just how many weird names there are in and around Harlan County. I'm a little disappointed that it took me damn near six full seasons to notice it.

Agreed. But Margo Martindale still wins in my book.

I had to laugh at Katherine's surprise to learn that Wynn eats guacamole at 9:30 in the morning while she's sipping on whiskey.

It kinda is, yeah. The point I was trying to make was that Carol threatened the kid in response to his unexpected appearance. She didn't track him down and threaten to feed him to the zombies just for shits and giggles. It was a means to an end. Maybe I'm just overprotective but if I had a kid that age there's no way

Maybe she'll use rat poison in place of the applesauce in the next batch.

I don't have a problem with the target. She wouldn't have had to be ruthless at all if that kid hadn't been nosing around. He painted that own target on his head. Or, you could argue that his parents did by not paying attention to him and letting him wander around unsupervised. I think it's another sign of how ill

Well, C is for Carol.

Soylent Green, have you been eating corn?

So he's about to be just as useless as I already think he is. Perfect.

Sometimes they do, at least a little. Remember the one Deanna's son and the other dude had chained to a tree last week? His skin peeled off like a boiled chicken. And speaking of heat and decomposition, why is it no one has been able to smell a big herd of zombies approaching? Apparently some of them can sneak up on

She's loving him with that body, he just knows it.

Is anybody else worried that Carol's plans are about to be derailed because she took more than her rationed amount of chocolate?

Jessie offered to get Rick a drink and doctor husband's "I'll get it" definitely had a snippy undertone.

Speaking of refrigeration, did I miss the explanation of where the electricity is coming from?

Oh, I picked up some hostility but not toward Rick. Toward Jessie when he went to get Rick's drink. I'm calling it now. The doctor is a wife beater and Rick will jump in to rescue Jessie. I really, really hope I'm wrong.

With applesauce instead of eggs. Can anyone verify if that would actually work? I'm not much of a baker, but that didn't sound right to me. If she had said mayonnaise, I wouldn't have batted an eyelash. Could the applesauce have been meant as a callback to that moment between Aaron, Rick & Judith in the barn?

Before the world went to shit, Alexandria must have been the cardigan capital of the U.S.

I cracked up when Daryl wiped his face with his napkin just seconds after wiping his chin on his sleeve.

I'm wondering if a haircut, a shower and clean clothes have woken up Rick's libido. Between the creepy cheek kiss he gave what'sherface and the look on his face when he saw Michonne in her uniform, Rick definitely noticed the ladies this episode.