squirrel next door

The mysterious silent walkers return. And in the same episode where Daryl gets complimented on his ability to tell the difference between walkers and humans based on the sound of their steps. Not to mention him knowing there was only one creeping up behind the blender house. Thank you show, for always giving me

Maybe that was an M carved into the zombie's forehead and not a W. Apologies if someone else beat me to that guess.

That scene made me love Carol even more. But I was kinda hoping she's work out a way to tell that nosy cookie fiend to look at the flowers.

Or Eugene for that matter. Personally, I could do without him altogether but since they went to the trouble of not killing him so far they oughtta acknowledge his existence.

I know and whoever she is, Mrs. Olyphant is a lucky woman. The stories he tells about his kids on talk shows crack me up.

It happens sometimes. I went to high school (not in the South btw) with a guy everybody called Jimmy King, even to his face. I have no idea why. There was no other Jimmy in the class. He was just always Jimmy King.

Would you use a razor you found lying around in a public bathroom? What you're saying makes sense but I don't see how he would have done it.

My point exactly. And I can't help but wonder what he would have done if Ava had pulled the trigger when she had the chance.

I'm not usually that girl, but I'm pretty sure my ovaries spontaneously combusted at the sight of Tim Olyphant holding a baby.

That baby put American Sniper's "baby" to shame.

I absolutely loved that Rachel's response to being asked to hold the baby was to see if Raylan had asked Tim the same thing.

While that may very well end up being absolutely true, I can't get rid of the nagging feeling in the back of my mind that he was playing her by asking that question.

I was struck several times this episode by how these characters are literally starting to show the strain of their situations, Ava and Art in particular.

I would have guessed Tang, but Hi-C works.

Carol telling Daryl that he needs to take a shower might just be my favorite moment in the history of this show. I thought it just as she said it. It was magic!

And, of course, the opposite of Batman.

And Justified.

Did we ever find out what their names were? I thought Leslie had mentioned earlier this season that the girl's name was Sonya and I think I heard one of the boys called Logan last night, but I'm not sure about either of those. I thought it was funny that we were clearly told the names of Andy/April and Chris/Ann's

Smoothies would piss me off too. Margaritas, on the other hand, would be a necessity. Plus, think of all the homemade baby food possibilities.

Evidentially I failed the autocorrect test.