squirrel next door

I know. I think I phrased my original question poorly. The point I was trying to make is that for a group that is so suspicious (and justifiably so) of strangers, it took them an awfully long time to figure out that Aaron had been listening for a while.

Are we meant to believe that Maggie and Sasha filled Aaron in about the others as they walked to the barn or did no one in the group notice that he called Rick by name immediately and tipped his hand about listening to them before he approached?

When the sun hits his head it freaking glows! Never have I seen such fake red hair, and this is coming from the girl who's been dyeing her hair red every few months for years.

Good point. I admit I hadn't thought of that. But Aaron didn't seem all that terrified to me, but my opinion on that could change after a rewatch.

Ha! You could be on to something. This is super nitpicky (even for me), but of all the random shit to find lying around someone's backyard, a blender would be just about the last thing I'd expect to find. If I came across one while looting, I'd think about keeping it. A large beverage container with a lid could come

In that case I guess they chose right. Although watching Tyreese lug Hershel around in a Baby Bjorn would have been entertaining.

And what was all that bullshit about his mother making him eat stuff he hated? What was the point of that? This guy just knocked you out with a single punch (that mysteriously didn't seem to leave any kind of mark/bruise). What makes you think your sob story about your childhood is going to do any good?

Didn't Tara have a girlfriend for about 5 minutes before the Governor attacked the prison?

I actually cheered when Rick made Aaron test the applause. Finally someone on this show did something smart. (I still would have made Eugene test all the water bottles last week.)

Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse?

And what about a stroller? Shit, even a wagon would work. They've been walking for a long time, and that kid has to get heavy after a while even if there are 14 other people to pass her off to.

That bugged me too. I can buy the whole no carseat thing, especially since the group has been on foot for a while. But given that just the night before, Glenn drove through so many zombies that the car got a blood-red paint job, I can't believe there was no one in the back seat holding the baby. If Rick hits the

I know what you mean. I love Bob, and while I really liked what we saw from him tonight, I wanted more. The Death Star balls line was great, but it made me long for what could have been. I hope we're not done with him yet.

I also wondered if Ava isn't playing Raylan. She's in a very precarious position and she sure as hell knows it. Having Raylan squarely in her corner, or having the opportunity and dirt on him necessary to make sure he stays there, could be a card she'll need to play at some point.

I thought nothing could top the look on Duffy's face when he got sprayed with Busey Juice last week. I was wrong. The look on his face when he saw Katherine's grandchildren was better.

That was exactly my point. Why weren't they carrying that kind of thing in the first place? There's space for broken jewelry boxes but no one can manage to carry something that's actually useful? Whatever. I'm done with this conversation. We're clearly not going to agree and I don't see the point of continuing to

That's because Atticus is new at Downton and hasn't yet realized that nobody actually gives a rat's ass where Edith is. They're talking/"worrying" about her for the sake of appearances, nothing more.

Guess it depends where in the South you are. That's not really the case where I am, but that could be just my perception as a Yankee transplant. Either way, there's no way I'm taking anything seriously the comes from the mouth of a bubba with a mullet.

Judith has the market cornered on the whole stay quiet 90% of the time thing. I don't think I've ever seen a quieter infant.

You mean the bottles they scrambled like crazy to find and seemed really surprised to realize they needed? You know, the ones with the small openings that would tip over in a moderate breeze and take a lot longer to fill than your run-of-the-mill bucket. Those bottles? Still lousy preparation in my opinion.