squirrel next door

And all the English teachers and grammar Nazis turned into zombies so there was no one left to correct us about our overuse of exclamation points!!!!!!!

Or how about a stroller? Surely one of the thousands of minivans abandoned on the road had a stroller stuffed in the back. The older that kid gets, the heavier she's going to get. Plus, she can sleep in a stroller and be really easy to move if/when shit goes down.

Did Judith look awfully pudgy to anyone else? I get that emaciated infant actors are hard to come by (and rightfully so) but that kid looked really well fed to me.

They spend all that time looking for water, yet when the rain comes nobody has a bucket or a bottle or a container handy? How the hell were they planning to carry it if someone had actually found a stream? I love nitpicking this show but sometimes they make it too easy.

I wasn't bothered by their new take on hot dogs either. At this point any animal you can catch is what's for dinner. But I couldn't help but notice that the dogs were all big and scary breeds. Nobody had a Pomeranian on a skewer. When the world literally becomes dog eat dog I guess the cute breeds are appetizers.

After all his bullshit, I would have MADE Eugene drink the water. Still can't wrap my head around how amyone ever believed him in the first place.

For a second there I thought we were finally gonna get to see zombie dogs. But no such luck.

The more familiar faces that show up, the more I miss Helen.

I can't decide. He's not unattractive when he's clean shaven. It's just such a shockingly different look that I can't judge it on its own merits. All I can think is "holy shit, where's the mustache?!?" I keep thinking I'll get used to it as the episodes pile up, but it just doesn't seem to be happening.

I didn't mind the slowness. It gave those great moments a little time to breathe. Plus, since this is the last season, I think the pacing is just right. The finish line isn't too far off and I'm in no hurry whatsoever to reach it.

Can we set it in Hawaii? We now know that Wynn can rock the sparkly thong and I can't be the only one who wants to see what Boyd's legs look like in a bathing suit. Just picture it: that hair, pasty white chicken legs sticking out the bottom of a pair of Hawaiian print board shorts and maybe even some zinc oxide on

If he doesn't, I have one on his behalf. This was fantastic.

All sounds perfectly plausible to me.

I'm gonna name my new album "Busey Juice."

I had a similar thought about Joan of Arcadia.

What upper lip? I really wonder how he manages to eat anything without the 'stache. It must have literally been a crumb catcher.

I would actually be a little surprised if it was anything more elaborate than that.

Just when I think I couldn't love Tim any more than I already do, his go-to death fantasy involved Sigourney Weaver's thighs and I realize my love knows no limits.

The look on Duffy's face was priceless.

This may end up being my favorite episode ever. It was like Christmas for Justified fans. Can't wait to see where they go from here.