squirrel next door

And their skulls' super squishyness.

I know Tyreese had issues with killing anybody, but did the dude seriously walk around all this time without a gun? A knife and a hammer aren't the worst weapons in the world, and they have the added benefit of serving other purposes too, but if anyone ever needed to put a bullet between a walker's eyes, it was him.

After the Governor, I don't think I'll ever be able to see David Morrissey and not think poor man's Liam Neeson.

I didn't listen to it that closely, but I can't imagine there aren't random body parts and burned out buildings all over the world by this point. You could very well be on to something, but given what we've seen so far just in that tiny portion of Georgia, nothing I saw in Noah's neighborhood struck me as out of the

Oh she was the worst about that bullshit on the women's side! You tell me how after the entire world has gone to shit she managed to keep up with those roots? I have trouble finding the time to maintain mine and my life isn't a daily fight for survival in the middle of a zombie-filled forest. I'm not looking for an

I'm sure this has been brought up a million times before, and I admit this is nitpicking, but the facial hair thing really bugged me tonight. Everybody seems to be equally dirty, but somehow some of the fellas are managing to shave on a semi-regular basis? On the one end we have Rick in full on Grizzly Adams mode and

That's gotta be it, I think. If anyone else actually heard it, the fact that someone somewhere was broadcasting, even if it was an old recording, would have and should have been a huge deal.

It appears that some walkers have developed stealth abilities. How many times now have we seen someone get surprised in the woods? The whole silent creeping thing was made all the more weird by the one we could hear behind the closed door.

I got a chuckle out of Micchone breaking that (Yankees?) jersey out of its frame because it was clean shirt. I was kind of hoping they'd ransack a closet or two while they were at it. One clean shirt is nice, but a bag full would be better given the number of people they have. And they've all got to be in dire need of

Did no one think to prepare Noah for what he was going to find when he got home? By this point, I'm sure he had some idea what was waiting there for him, but thinking and seeing are two very different things, so I can understand him having the reaction he did. What I'm having trouble wrapping my head around is that

Agreed. But if the others chopped his arm off to save him, which worked with Herchel's leg, wouldn't they want to tie off the stump? What's the point of stopping the infection or whatever we're calling it, from spreading if the guy is just going to bleed out?

Now that you mention it, I remember seeing that. Thanks for the reminder.

Thank you! I was yelling about a tourniquet too. If Tyreese really was ready to call it a day, I get why he wouldn't bother. But if any of the others tied one on after lopping his arm off, I didn't catch it.

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I just wasn't feeling this. At all. I was never a huge Tyreese fan and that could very well be the reason why I feel this way, but I just didn't connect to the character enough to make this entire episode death scene feel earned. And did they really bury him without stabbing him

This show has progressed to the point that there's gonna have to be more on that whole thing, right? Given the amount of screen time the torsos and the non-torso remnants got tonight, surely that's gonna become a plot point going forward. A couple of seasons ago, I would have said probably not, but given the

I absolutely love that movie. I jumped on the Olyphant train after I saw Go, but after Catch and Release I knew I was onboard for life. The things that man can do to jeans and a T-shirt is nothing short of miraculous.

What upper lip?

I was reasonably sure Leslie would be jealous that Jennifer wanted Ben to run, and was preparing myself to be disappointed in her. I'm so glad they didn't go that route. All I could think of when Leslie encouraged him to run was, that's what "I love you and I like you" looks like.

I may have happy danced on the sofa a little bit.

I still can't believe that show's on network TV. Can't wait for season 3.