squirrel next door

I thought so too, until I saw Drunk Dancing Ben. He's got the top spot now.

I liked it. It wasn't great or anything, but I thought it was better than it got credit for.

Thank you! I was thinking the Cat in the Hat, but the Grinch is sooo much better. Sans 'stache, he's definitely Seussy.

No, none of them did. It really stuck out to me at the time because it seemed like the kind of thing Boyd wouldn't overlook. For a while there, I was waiting for that to become a plot point, but given the amount of time between then and now I'm guessing I was wrong on that one.

And a sparkly thong at that. Wynn Duffy doesn't do anything halfway!

And don't forget about Go, The Crazies and Catch and Release.

I loved that Boyd's henchmen are starting to talk like him. None of Crowder's Commandos would ever have pointed out that Ava didn't use a flash because she was trying to "stay clandestine." Can't imagine any of them would have gone to the trouble of correcting "she should have used a flash" to "I wish she could have

Poor Drewes — and, what nobody on the show seems to be considering — poor Marigold! As if that name wasn't bad enough, they're planning to rip her away from yet another loving family. Sure, she was too young to have any memory of the Swiss family, and she may be too young to remember much about her time with the

Was it an art studio? I thought it was the hotel Zeke was planning to take her to before his second heart attack.

I'll be in my bunk … trying to use the power of my mind to make that untrue.

Maybe they're how Constable Bob comes back? Probably not, but I'm just really excited for more Bob.

I'm bad!

Beat it.

Jerry/Gary/Terry's "treat yoself" absolutely killed me. The best part was no one gave him shit about it, he was just allowed to enjoy the moment.

Same here. Although his Letters to Cleo T-shirt did the job too.

Everything can benefit from some Martha Plimpton.

Oh I think Boyd is definitely questioning it. The question is, to my mind at least, what he's going to do with those suspicions. I honestly don't know if Boyd could kill Ava if it comes down to it.

I'm not sure either, but I think finding out whether or not she's up to it is going to be really entertaining. This is the second episode in a row where we've seen her drinking before she even changes out of her pajamas. I really hope that doesn't become a thing. I'm OK with it as a sign that she's trying to cope with

Me too. The fact that he doesn't seem to have an upper lip at all isn't helping in that regard.

I've got a marshal stiffy if that counts.