squirrel next door

Well, from the preview, we know Dickie is making at least one appearance. Does anyone know if Constable Bob will be back? As much as I love them both, neither one of them will ever be Dewey's equal.

I got the same vibe. No way he didn't know exactly who's property he was on and I don't believe for a second that he was actually expecting to complete the purchase. Whatever he's up to, he just made sure he's on Raylan's radar.

I know Ava's under more than a little pressure at the moment, but I didn't buy that Raylan had to remind her about the day he came back to Harlan. I get that the writers felt the need to give the audience a little reminder, but that just felt really clunky, especially when stacked up against the rest of this excellent

I've gotta ask… why $6? $5 or $10, I get, but why $6? Seems like you'd be making an awful lot of change.

I can't tell you how relieved I am to see Art and Raylan are back on speaking terms. For all the shit Raylan went through at Arlo's hands, nothing broke my heart more than when Art was disappointed in him.

Agreed. But it's kind of a bummer that Mina (or was it Tina) had more screen time tonight than Rachel did. Here's hoping we get lots more Rachel (and Tim for that matter) before this ends.

I've gotta admit, I got a little teary.

I didn't get a chance to rematch last season before tonight's premiere, so maybe I'm wrong about this, but it felt a little to me like Boyd's hold over Harlan's criminal element is starting to slip. Carl, in particular, seemed a lot lippier and more willing to challenge Boyd than he had been in the past.

I'll admit to cringing when we started the night with Winona. As much as I'll miss this show, I'm not going to miss her one bit. And the baby has a name, even if she is a papist!

Anyone else find it odd that no one wore gloves during that bank robbery? If anyone but Boyd was pulling the job, I'd probably chalk it up to a mistake. But I just can't see Boyd's being that careless, especially when he wasn't scrambling for a solution to a crisis. There was obviously planning here.

He absolutely was, but where he really got me tonight was when he was telling Boyd about finding his turtle dog being a message. Soooo stupid, but soooo sincere. It was batshit beautiful.

Didn't we decide last season that Tim, Raylan and Rachel needed to star in a Three's Company reboot?

I saw it coming, but I can't remember the last time I wished I was wrong this badly. I was kinda hoping Dewey would be the last man standing. I'll miss that magnificent idiot. Is it too late to change my user name to "nelgigance and malfyessence?"

I usually save my mascara sacrifices for Parenthood, but Parks & Rec got the ball rolling early this week. I haven't cried at this show since the "I love you and I like you" wedding vows.

As great as this was, and it was damn near perfect, I think my favorite moment of the whole hour was the look on Retta's face after the saxophone fart. That reaction felt like a Retta reaction, not a Donna moment and it was glorious. It's clear that these people really love working with one another.

I heard that line as "Oprah has a turtle farm." But I like your lyrics so much better, so as far as I'm concerned, that's the line now. Thanks.

I need to go back and rematch to be sure, but wasn't the time lapse for the post-it like 2 minutes or something ridiculously short like that?

No, you're not alone. I was relieved to see he's still wearing a wedding ring. I think a mention (or even better an appearance) of Diane and the kids, especially their son, needs to be made sooner rather than later, but seeing the ring calmed my nerves a little.

They oughtta just go ahead and rename this show "Everybody Hates Edith." I'm with you Emily, the "poor Edith" of it all is getting more than a little old at this point. I'm half expecting to see a little black cloud materialize over her head one of these days.

i miss that show, but I think I might miss its soundtrack more. Chuck always had great music choices.