squirrel next door

An all-purpose bidet?

He definitely dropped the kids off somewhere, I think it was Leslie's mom's. He said something along the lines of congratulating himself for taking all three of them. It stuck out to me as funny because I could easily see old Andy leaving one or two of them behind.

I need to see the man who finally convinced Donna Meagle to settle down. I want details!

I wish the doll head factory had been a running gag in previous seasons. I find it a little hard to believe that April wouldn't already know all about it. It's a very April kind of thing.

From the friction, I'm betting.

Not sure where you are, but the Nashville station was running them too. Irritating as hell.

Same here.

No hard feelings. I could have phrased that better.

Of lack thereof…

Did I miss it or was there no dead person popularity contest?

He's Irish. Which I point out not to correct you, but because it's hotter. If you haven't watched Peaky Blinders, run to Netflix.

I'd like to thank the dudes from the UK for bringing the cheekbones tonight. All we were missing was Cillian Murphy.

Yeah, I've got Yankee ears too. Maybe he's dusting off his A Time To Kill accent.

McConaughey's bringing a little extra Texas tonight, isn't he?

The Golden Globes does that kind of thing a lot don't they? I think I remember Twitter freaking out a few years ago when Ricky Gervais disappeared for most of the show.

Yes I do. I really, really do.

Never said steal. And "friend" wasn't what I had in mind.

Ha! Oprah reaction shot goes to Gayle, not Stedman.

Does anybody have Michael Keaton's son's number?

No Johnny Dangerously you fargin ice hole?