squirrel next door

Yay! I've missed Michael Keaton!

I think so. Isn't she doing Southwest ads too?

Linklater looks like the lost Wilson brother.


She does. And what he said about her felt absolutely sincere.

I'll always love Out of Sight

Not loving this weird side angle. I don't need to know what the inside of Kevin Spacey's ear looks like.

It seemed a little worse than usual to me. Maybe he's just not handling the sweaty glow as well as everyone else is.

Great dress. The color is gorgeous.

And he looks super hung over and pasty.

The one here has been advertising some kind of Titans meal deal thingie. I guess they figure anyone who's still a Titans fan is welcoming the sweet relief of death by Big Mac.

I didn't. And I don't begrudge Maggie the award. Like I said, I like her. I just really felt for Tolman. The reaction shot of her was just such a real human moment that I almost felt like I was watching something I shouldn't be seeing.

Tolman looks so sad. I like Maggie, but this cannot stand!

If she and Matt Bomer had babies I'm certain the universe would implode from the force of the beauty.

I was just thinking that his hotness has been completely erased by his decision to grow my father's mustache.

I know, and I laugh my ass off at it every time. But somehow, that feels different to me. Since it's her act, her experiences, her mother, etc. it's never given me a moment's pause. But every time she shows up as the North Korean dictator du jour, I feel a little queasy about the whole thing. Not sure how she'd feel

Stars, they're shiny just like us!

I love Margaret Cho, and she's obviously in on the joke, just like she was on 30 Rock. But I can't help but feel bad for her. She's so much more than just the go-to Korean.

Why isn't he blinking? It's like he's trying to suck out my soul with his pretty, pretty eyes!

Knowing Kevin Hart is short and seeing just how short he is are two very different things.