squirrel next door

Poor Matt Bomer. First someone on the Today Show called him "Matt Boner" and now Katie Holmes called him "Matt Bomber." While I feel bad for the guy, I can understand how it happened. I'm pretty sure I'd stutter like a fool if I tried to look at him in person and talk at the same time.

Matt Bomer is the most attractive human ever.

You better run, you fucking whippersnapper! Don't make me call your mother.

I'd be proud to tell them to get off my damn lawn with their damn ignorant asses. Youth is no excuse for that bullshit!

And he is funky!

I'm guessing both.

Has Sienna Miller done something to her face? Without the announcer, I never would have recognized her.

Agreed. When she started by thanking God for making her an artist, I rolled by eyes by reflex, but she'd won me over by the time she finished.

The Gap Band, "Outstanding"

How about "Handsome Devil?"

Ben Folds Five "Battle of Who Could Care Less"

The Afghan Whigs - "Somethin' Hot"

Death Cab For Cutie - Tiny Vessels

Purple Rain. Which I will forever say was a solid choice.

Boyd Crowder has the only A-worthy hair on TV.

Didn't Jenny kiss him once and hint that they had some kind of past long before he started trying to work his magic on Abbie? I'm all for the Mills sisters getting some, but really Hawley? Are there no other women to be found? You're dancing in a minefield buddy.

And that someone is usually her. She goes on and on about Henry this and our son that, but when you really get down to it, she wasn't a mother to him in anything other than the biological sense of the word. So, sure there's guilt there. I get that. But literally putting the entire world at risk for an opportunity to

I hope Jenny gets enough of a break from the demon and monster madness to spend a little time with that bartender. It was nice to see her let her hair down a little.

Didn't she insist over and over again on being left with Abraham? First she wanted to be a spy and then there's whatever the hell she's doing now. Maybe I've just had it up to here with Katrina and her utterly inexplicable corsets — seriously that thing she had on tonight had to have been ordered online unless Sleepy

Not to be that commenter, but I'm pretty sure you meant Orlando Jones, not Orlando Bloom.