squirrel next door

Me too. I always thought he was a lot smarter than he gets credit for.

That's kind of a relief. Frankly, he's looked awful lately, too thin and tired and quite a bit older, all of which works really well for the character, but I was starting to wonder if maybe he was sick or something.

The sound during that scene was interesting too. When he leaves the room you can clearly hear his footsteps walking away, but he pops up in that other doorway like a ghost, without making a sound.

And he's been looking really gaunt throughout this whole ordeal, hasn't he. I have no idea if that was a character choice or if Czuchry has just dropped some weight because he wanted to, but either way it's worked really well for this storyline.

I had a similar thought. Although I'm not remotely techy — my way of fixing a computer problem is to restart and swear up a storm — I couldn't help but wonder about how easy that seemed to be. Wouldn't the SA's office have access to the same data and be able to see where the change was made? However, having said

Leaves of Grass is worth checking out too. Maybe not his best, but I remember liking it.

They should have done it a few years ago, and Craig's mom could have played the captain who has no time for their bullshit.

Yep. The one he did for his mother turns me into a blubbering idiot.

And I think that heart you're talking about is just who he is. If you haven't read "American on Purpose," his autobiography, I can't recommend it strongly enough. It's really well done, especially when he's talking about his addiction. I can't tell you how much it means to me, as someone who's watched people I love

That opening number turned me into a weepy puddle of mush in pajamas. It perfectly encapsulated everything I love about Craig and the show. It was weird to the point of WTF, wonderful, catchy as hell, optimistic and flat-out fun. I began missing Craig and the show before the song was even halfway finished. Wherever he

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday.

Agreed. It's definitely in my top 5.

There's an ad for the movie on TV right now as I'm reading this.

At first I thought Chuck's newfound ninja skills were over the top, but then I noticed the characters' reactions to it. The look on Casey's face as Chuck tested his kung fu skills, combined with the "Chuck me" was damn near perfect. Not to mention Zachary Levi's gangliness used to its full potential. There's just

Ending the 'idiot' phone call with "This is Dwight by the way," was priceless.