
responded to wrong person, I got kinja-ed

this one’s better, but it still needs work.

this is the best I could do, but I think we can go far with this concept

if Hillary loses to Trump because America was too lazy to do its homework, or too busy hanging out in the No Girls Allowed club, it’s gonna be a real sad moment in our history.

Laguna Beach: the Real Orange County came first, as a reaction to that OC tv show. Apparently they cast kids from Laguna Beach High. Why they cast those kids, I dunno. Maybe they were the most willing to go along with it.

Sadly it seems to be working out for them, so somebody does. Probably aspiring reality tv show stars.

yeah, I actually miss The Hills. There’s not crappy reality like that on anymore, maybe Real Housewives is close. But not as young.

Lifestyles. What shit to buy. I think they think they’re being classy?

“So often we would say, like, if you knew the real story, you would understand. And what I’d like to do is tell that story.”

a million people “left unable to vote”—what does that mean? and didn’t have their votes counted, eh? care to PROVE anything you say, literally anything I’ll take, whatever you think it backing up your insane claims.

oh my god dude, that’s too long and it’s too late for me to go through all that misinformation and lies. Benghazi, christ. She didn’t lie. It was right after the attack happened. They were all in the crisis room with the families. Information was coming in that was conflicting. Clinton had the wrong information and

haha, okay. you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

prove she’s a career criminal. go on, prove it to me, with evidence, that she has ever broken a law. I’ll wait.


I read the page. Did you? As I said, that page has been cited with multiple issues. So, if the data for the graph comes from the page, it’s not valid.

oh, so NO issues then? we’re all just doing fine and dandy? ok...

the DNC did not rig the election, no matter how much bad shit they talked about in their emails. if you can prove those emails, containing a bunch of stuff that was not actually put into place, cost Sanders the however millions of votes he would have needed to win against Clinton, then we can talk. Until then, all you

actually, it’s not just me, as the majority of comments indicate. of course this is a feminist leaning liberal blog, so.

I’m not hiding anything, so...?

alright, I apologized already to a PoC commenter for leaving them out of my analysis. I still disagree. Idiocy knows no race or creed!